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Small Haskell implementation of Conway's Game of Life


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Conway's Game of Life

This is a graphical Haskell implementation of Conway's game of life.


I wrote this to get more practice writing, refactoring and cleaning up Haskell.

Running it

Install stack, and then use stack run. File an issue if this doesn't work---I seem to run into a problem every time I try to use a new Haskell tool (I'm on a Mac), but by now I've forgotten what I did to make my current setup work. I'd love to help, and if I can't then it's still good to document these issues.

If you get it to run, the controls (as of writing) are:

  • Click or hold down the left mouse button to fill cells.
  • Drag with the right mouse button (or Ctrl + LMB on Mac) to pan.

Summary of interesting things

Dependency injection

I implement dependency injection using the fused-effects library; no Template Haskell required!

I was thinking about how to do compile-time DI in Haskell when I came across a reasonablypolymorphic post on freer monads. After that, I read the paper that inspired freer-simple, and then I worked through the fused-effects implementation. Still in the DI mindset, I realized that free monads, freer monads and effects systems all solve a certain separation-of-concerns problem that's often solved by using dependency injection. In languages like Java and C#, a DI framework usually takes care of the dependency injection boilerplate. In these Haskell approaches, GHC's type inference is used likewise.

After a weekend of battling with ambiguous type errors, I managed to use fused-effects to write something that looks like dependency injection. After doing this, I realized that using an effects system was way overkill: my effect signature is just a bunch of Readers, and I only ask once at the start of the program.

The hardest part of implementing DI was allowing "DI modules" to add their own piece of state to the game. For example, MouseModule adds MouseState and LifeModule adds InfiniteGrid Bool. Modules can require some piece of state to exist by using the DeepHas constraint (the final state is a nested tuple; modules should not depend on the position of their desired state in this tuple because that couples them to that state and defeats the purpose of this project).

I have an idea of how to implement DI in a cleaner way, without the unnecessary fused-effects (and still without Template Haskell), and I'll try that out soon.

EDIT: I did this:

Observations / what I learned

Most of what follows was written before the DI update that I describe above.

Readability of lens

Using prisms vs case of

When I was first learning Haskell a bit over a year ago, I became a big fan of case of. It made me wish every language had a switch expression alongside the switch statement.

data OpenGLError = None
                 | YouMisunderstoodTheDocs
                 | ItJustDoesntWork

openglErrorString err = case err of
  None                    -> "No error"
  YouMisunderstoodTheDocs -> "Re-read the documentation, but more closely"
  ItJustDoesntWork        -> "Something about a 'context'"

I believe C# might have this now, but I don't know how to get Unity to work with the most recent version.

While writing Main.hs, I noticed I had a lot of code like this:

case evt of
  EventKey (MouseButton RightButton) Down _ _ -> do
    world <- get
    panState %=% ...

  _ -> return ()

The last case is an underscore, which is a pattern that matches anything. It's required---the case of expression has to evaluate to a value (in this case a monadic action), and there's no null in Haskell, so if no pattern matches this code throws. Unfortunately, it's ugly.

The real intention behind that code is to do something like this:

-- pseudo-Haskell
-- 'when' is a real function in Haskell that evaluates to 'return ()'
-- if the condition does not match
when (evt is like (EventKey (MouseButton RightButton) Down _ _))
  world <- get
  panState %=% ...

I think that the reason that case of doesn't work nicely here is because case of is better suited (maybe even "truly intended") for exhaustive pattern matching. Fortunately, Haskell is a wonderfully flexible language, and we can get code like the above by using a special abstraction known as a Prism:

when (evt & has (_EventKey.aside1 _MouseRightButton.aside2 _Down)) $ do
  world <- get
  panState %=% ...

_EventKey, _MouseRightButton, and _Down are prisms automatically generated by using the Template Haskell $( makePrisms ... ) directives defined in the lens package. Simply put, a prism from s to a is like a pair of functions a -> s and s -> Maybe a. The first function says that given an a (like the tuple of parameters to the EventKey constructor), I can construct a value of type s (like an Event). The second function says that given an s, I can sometimes get an a; for example, some Event instances are made using the EventKey constructor and therefore have EventKey data (a key, a key state (up or down), modifiers, and the current mouse position); other Event instances could be EventMotion or EventResize.

& just reverses function application: it takes the function on the right and passes the value on the left to it as an argument.

has is a combinator from the lens package that checks whether a "traversal" has any targets when applied to a specified value. A prism is a special type of "traversal", and using has with it is equivalent to checking whether a given value matches the prism (so evt & has _EventKey is True iff evt is made with the EventKey constructor). aside1 and aside2 are combinators that I defined which allow viewing the first or second element of a tuple, respectively, through a prism. Their names come from the similarity to aside in the lens package, which is like aside2 specialized to 2-tuples.

Readability example

I'm most proud of my usage of lens to write code that reads surprisingly well (if you can read Haskell). For example, here's some code (from an older commit, before DI) that looks almost like an imperative program:

updateMouseState evt = do
  whenJust (evt ^? _EventMotion) $ \mp ->
    mouse %=% do
      position .= mp
      clicked  .= False

  whenJust (evt ^? _EventKey . aside1 _MouseButton) $ \(b, ks, mods, mp) -> do
    mouse %=% do
      position  .= mp
      modifiers .= mods
    if b & isn't _LeftButton
      then mouse %= set clicked False
      else mouse %=% do
             wasDown <- use isDown
             clicked .= (wasDown && ks == Up)
             isDown  .= (ks == Down)

This reads: "When evt is an EventMotion, set the mouse position to the event's position mp, and set the mouse's clicked state to False. When evt is an EventKey with a MouseButton key, update the mouse's position and modifiers. If the mouse button wasn't a left button, then just set the mouse's clicked state to False; otherwise, update it to True if the mouse was down and is now up, and also update the mouse's isDown state."

In this case, mouse, position, clicked, isDown and modifiers are all "lenses"---they allow getting or setting some data (e.g. a MouseState) on a value (e.g. a World). The function updateMouseState takes an Event and returns a stateful computation that takes a World and returns an updated World. Note that the function never mentions a World and that there is no type signature. This shows two things I love about Haskell:

  1. Type inference, even for function signatures. While one should generally document the types for public APIs, this is helpful for private functions where the types would add noise. Other languages can usually infer the types of "lambda functions", but otherwise the type is built into function definition syntax.

  2. Concise syntax. The World is implicit (and inferred!) in the above; one can view it like a this or self argument. That's not too uncommon: the only anomaly is that most languages only allow one to use this within the definition of a class, whereas updateMouseState is a free function. The cool bit is that when I write,

    mouse %=% do
      wasDown <- use isDown
      clicked .= (wasDown && ks == Up)
      isDown  .= (ks == Down)

    the MouseState is implicit within that inner do block! This is much more powerful than even Dart's cascade operator: wasDown is a temporary variable, which you can't do in a cascade. Any kind of code that can go outside of that do block can go inside, and one can recursively modify subfields in the same fashion. It's like defining little, anonymous, one-use methods.

The magic of %=%

The code above uses a special combinator %=% that's not provided with the lens package but was easy to write. Before I wrote it, I tried several ways of performing multiple updates to the target of a lens. I wanted something that was as concise as Dart's .. ("cascade") operator which allows one to write

  ..clicked = true
  ..isDown = false;

I tried

applyAll :: [a -> a] -> a -> a
mouse %= applyAll
  [ set clicked True
  , set isDown False ]

which looks neat but repeats the word set and has some extra bracket and comma noise. It also doesn't allow querying the mouse state; in general this isn't a convenient way to represent a stateful computation. This led me to the execState approach:

mouse %= execState (do
  clicked .= True
  isDown  .= False )

I loved this because it allowed me to write exactly what I wanted: a stateful update. To clean this up, I initially defined

s %=% m = s %= execState m

which allowed me to get rid of execState. One feature this approach lacks is the ability to use the outer monad inside the stateful computation. For example, if I'm running in StateT .. IO .., I'd like to be able to liftIO $ print ..:

mouse %=% do
  wasDown <- use isDown
  liftIO $ print $ if wasDown
                     then "Was down"
                     else "Wasn't down"
  isDown .= True

The following definition worked:

-- You need RankNTypes, and you need to specify the signature
-- explicitly (because 'l' is used polymorphically, for both
-- getting and setting; 'l' is a Lens).
l %=% m = do
  a  <- use l
  a' <- execStateT m a
  l .= a'

Finally, I realized that this could be rewritten to even work with traversals! This means I can run the stateful computation on an entire list of targets while using the same syntax, which is something you can't say for many languages:

-- For the sake of example.
printAndIncrementFst :: StateT (Int, a) IO ()
printAndIncrementFst = do
  val <- use _1
  liftIO $ print $ "Original value: " ++ show val
  _1 += 1

-- Applies printAndIncrementFst to the first element of the tuple.
printAndIncrementFstFst :: StateT ((Int, a), b) IO ()
printAndIncrementFstFst = _1 %=% printAndIncrementFst

-- Applies printAndIncrementFst to each tuple.
printAndIncrementFstAll :: StateT [(Int, a)] IO ()
printAndIncrementFstAll = each %=% printAndIncrementFst

And it composes very nicely:

mouse %=% do
  position %=% do
    (x, y) <- get
    liftIO $ print $ "x was " ++ show x
    liftIO $ print $ "y was " ++ show y
    each %= negate
  isDown %=% do
    wasDown <- get
    liftIO $ print $ "isDown was " ++ show wasDown

    -- sets 'isDown' to its negation
    modify not

    -- Instead of 'get' and 'modify', this can use 'id' like 'this'
    -- from other languages and combine with lens style.
    -- get           becomes    use id
    -- modify not    becomes    id %= not

You can't do that in Dart!

Record syntax

This is the first time I've used Haskell's record syntax. I used to avoid it because I was hoping it was unnecessary given the flexibility of Haskell, but it turned out quite handy. Here's how I initialize the World:

initialWorld = World { _cells = emptyGrid // [ ((r, c), False)
                                             | r <- [-20 .. 20]
                                             , c <- [-20 .. 20] ]
                     , _viewPort = ViewPort
                         { viewPortTranslate = (0, 0)
                         , viewPortRotate = 0
                         , viewPortScale = 0 }
                     , _mouse = MouseState
                         { _mouseStateIsDown    = False
                         , _mouseStatePosition  = (0, 0)
                         , _mouseStateClicked   = False
                         , _mouseStateModifiers = Modifiers Up Up Up }
                     , _panState = initialPanState
                     , _isRunning = False }


  • It looks a lot like C#'s object initializer syntax. The convention in Haskell to put the comma at the start of a line makes this even neater, in my opinion. Additionally, World is an immutable data type, but C#'s object initializer syntax requires mutation.
  • lens's makeFields and makeLenses Template Haskell meta programs require naming conventions that cause some noise: extra underscores for World fields, and the entire type name is repeated for MouseState because I use makeFields instead of makeLenses.
  • I'm writing this in emacs with haskell-ide-engine and lsp-haskell (which were a pain to set up), so whenever I added a new field to a type, it warned me that I needed to initialize it here. In C#, programmers tend to use default values instead.

This could probably be made perfect with a Template Haskell program that allowed you to use field names directly to get rid of the repetition caused by naming conventions:

initialWorld = World { cells = ...
                     , viewPort = ...
                     , mouse = MouseState
                       { isDown    = False
                       , position  = (0, 0)
                       , clicked   = False
                       , modifiers = Modifiers Up Up Up }
                     ... }


Small Haskell implementation of Conway's Game of Life







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