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Releases: tink-crypto/tink

Tink 1.7.0

10 Aug 07:02
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Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

This is Tink 1.7.0.

To get started using Tink, see the installation instructions.

To see what we're working towards, check our project roadmap.

What's new

The complete list of changes since 1.6.1 can be found here.


  • Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE)
    • Added support for HPKE as defined in RFC 9180
    • Implemented in C++, Java, Go, and Python.
    • NOTE: In C++, HPKE is not present when using OpenSSL or when FIPS-only mode is enabled.
  • JSON Web Token (JWT)
    • Added support for a subset of JWT as defined by RFC 7519 that is considered safe and most often used
    • Implemented in C++, Java, Go, and Python.
    • See the JWT-HOWTO.
  • Protocol buffer definitions and test data are now embedded within each Bazel workspace.


  • Post-Quantum Cryptography
    • Experimental only implementations of Dilithium, Falcon, and Sphincs.
  • CMake build options
    • Added option to use pre-installed OpenSSL (v1.1.1), gTest, and Abseil (v1.1.1) src
    • Added option to propagate client CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD, see the CMAKE HOW-TO
  • Optional migration to absl::Status and absl::StatusOr




  • Python 3.10 support


NOTE: Pending publication to CocoaPods.

  • arm64 (M1) support

Tink 1.6.1

13 Jul 06:22
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Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

This is Tink 1.6.1.

To get started using Tink, see the installation instructions.

What's new

This is a patch release.

The complete list of changes since 1.6.0 can be found here.


Fix dependencies in Java Maven packages

In Tink 1.6.0, the Java Bazel configuration included a couple instances of a non-Android target depending on an Android target and vice versa. This resulted in larger than expected Maven packages.


Minor documentation fixes.

Known issues

  • Tink for Python has issues in and the distribution scripts. Due to this, PyPI packages have not been published for this release. A follow up patch release will address this shortly. PyPI packages for 1.6.1 have been published. If you want to build these packages from branch 1.6 by yourself, patch in 465753a.
  • Tink for Obj-C still does not build with Bazel. However, you can still use it in your apps by installing our prebuilt package.

Tink 1.6.0

18 May 06:16
Choose a tag to compare

Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

This is Tink 1.6.0.

To get started using Tink, see the installation instructions.

What's new

The complete list of changes since 1.5.0 can be found here.

New documentation website

We've launched a new home for Tink documentation at

The site brings together content currently spread across the HOW-TOs and other markdown files throughout the project repository.

Initially, we've populated the site with instructions and code snippets for the Java and Python implementations. Moving forward, expect additional content covering other language implementations, additional critical path overviews, and more.


Key templates API

Introduced the KeyTemplates class. It has a get(name) method that facilitates getting any registered key template.

A list of currently registered key templates can be obtained by calling Registry.keyTemplates()

Custom key manager method removals

The following methods have been removed. Except where noted, the methods had been annotated as being deprecated.

  • Registry
    • public static <P> PrimitiveSet<P> getPrimitives(KeysetHandle keysetHandle, final KeyManager<P> customManager, Class<P> primitiveClass)
      • not deprecated
    • public static <P> PrimitiveSet<P> getPrimitives(KeysetHandle keysetHandle, Class<P> primitiveClass)
      • not deprecated
    • public static <P> PrimitiveSet<P> getPrimitives(KeysetHandle keysetHandle, final KeyManager<P> customManager)
    • public static <P> PrimitiveSet<P> getPrimitives(KeysetHandle keysetHandle)
  • KeysetHandle
    • public <P> P getPrimitive(KeyManager<P> customKeyManager, Class<P> targetClassObject)
  • MacFactory
    • public static Mac getPrimitive(KeysetHandle keysetHandle, final KeyManager<Mac> keyManager)
  • HybridDecryptFactory
    • public static HybridDecrypt getPrimitive(KeysetHandle keysetHandle, final KeyManager<HybridDecrypt> keyManager)
  • AeadFactory
    • public static Aead getPrimitive(KeysetHandle keysetHandle, final KeyManager<Aead> keyManager)
  • PublicKeyVerifyFactory
    • public static PublicKeyVerify getPrimitive(KeysetHandle keysetHandle, final KeyManager<PublicKeyVerify> keyManager)
  • PublicKeySignFactory
    • public static PublicKeySign getPrimitive(KeysetHandle keysetHandle, final KeyManager<PublicKeySign> keyManager)
  • DeterministicAeadFactory
    • public static DeterministicAead getPrimitive(KeysetHandle keysetHandle, final KeyManager<DeterministicAead> keyManager)
  • StreamingAeadFactory
    • public static StreamingAead getPrimitive(KeysetHandle keysetHandle, final KeyManager<StreamingAead> keyManager)
      • not deprecated
  • HybridEncryptFactory
    • public static HybridEncrypt getPrimitive(KeysetHandle keysetHandle, final KeyManager<HybridEncrypt> keyManager)

Dependency updates

org.json to GSON

The project has migrated to GSON for JSON serialization/deserialization functionality.

Due to this change, the Java implementation is no longer producing HTML-safe encoding by default. This behavior aligns the Java implementation with the other language implementations of Tink.


FIPS only mode


Support for serializing keys with non-secret key material

Implemented the serializedKeysetNoSecret method on TINKKeysetHandle. This facilitates exporting public keys.

Known issues

  • Tink for Obj-C still does not build with Bazel. However, you can still use it in your apps by installing our prebuilt package.

Hall of Fame

This release includes contributions from the following community members:

Tink 1.5.0

16 Oct 02:54
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Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

This is Tink 1.5.0.

The complete list of changes since 1.4.0 can be found here.

What's new

Security fixes

This release fixes a ciphertext malleability issue (CVE-2020-8929) in Tink for Java and Android. This is a low severity issue. No loss of confidentiality or loss of plaintext integrity occurs due to this problem, only ciphertext integrity is compromised.

New language: Javascript/Typescript

This release introduces alpha support for Javascript/Typescript. Check out the HOW-TO and let us know what you think!

New primitive: PRF set

The PRF set primitive allows to redact data in a deterministic fashion, for example personal identifiable information or internal IDs, or to come up with a user ID from user information without revealing said information in the ID. This allows someone with access to the output of the PRF without access to the key do some types of analysis, while limiting others.

This primitive is supported in C++, Java, Python and Golang.


  • Added Streaming AEAD. Check out the example for how to encrypt arbitrary large files.

  • Added CMAC.

  • Added a lot of examples.

pip3 install tink


We no longer offer prebuilt binaries for C++. Please check out the HOW-TO for compiling your application together with Tink using Bazel or CMake.


  • Added support for accessGropus to TINKKeysetHandle.
cd /path/to/your/Xcode project/
pod init
pod 'Tink', '1.5.0'
pod install


  • Added Streaming AEAD with AES-CTR-HMAC.
  • Bundled HCVault with Tink. In 1.4.0, HCVault was offered as a separate module, but we were advised by the Golang's team that it should be bundled with Tink.
go get


  • Added AES-GCM-SIV. This requires a Java security provider that supports AES-GCM-SIV such as Conscrypt.


  • When a call to Android KeyStore failed, Tink will wait a random number of milliseconds (up to 100) before retrying one more time.
dependencies {
  implementation ''


brew tap google/tink
brew install tinkey

The prebuilt binary attached to this release should also work well on Windows.

Known issues

  • Tink for Obj-C doesn't build with Bazel. You can still use it in your apps by installing our prebuilt package, as noted above.

Tink 1.4.0

14 Jul 21:18
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Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

This is Tink 1.4.0.

The complete list of changes since 1.3.0 can be found here.

What's new

Security fixes

This release fixes the following potential security issues, affected users are recommended to upgrade.

  • Quan Nguyen of Snap Inc. found that AES-CTR-HMAC-AEAD keys and the EncryptThenAuthenticate subtle implementation may be vulnerable to chosen-ciphertext attacks. An attacker can generate ciphertexts that bypass the HMAC verification if and only if all of the following conditions are true:

    • Tink C++ is used on systems where size_t is a 32-bit integer. This is usually the case on 32-bit machines.
    • The attacker can specify long (>= 2^29 bytes ~ 536MB) associated data.
  • Streaming AEAD implementations encrypt the plaintext in segments. Tink uses a 4-byte segment counter. When encrypting a stream consisting of more than 2^32 segments, the segment counter might overflow and lead to leakage of key material or plaintext. This problem was found in the Java and Go implementations of the AES-GCM-HKDF-Streaming key type.


This version introduces support for Python 3.7 and 3.8.

Tink in Python is built on top of C++. It supports all primitives but Streaming AEAD. For an overview, see the HOW-TO. In addition, there are illustrative examples of using Tink in Python which can be used as a jumping off point.

PyPi binary packages for Linux and macOS are provided.

pip3 install tink


  • Attempt to erase keys from memory after use.

  • Adding support for CordAead, which is a more memory-efficient version of Aead that uses absl::Cord.

We no longer offer prebuilt binaries for C++. Please check out this documentation for how to compile your application together with Tink using Bazel or CMake.


  • Removing Obj-C protobufs.
cd /path/to/your/Xcode project/
pod init
pod 'Tink', '1.4.0'
pod install


  • Cleaning up Godoc and adding better examples.
go get


  • Removing support for Java 7.


  • Bundling a shaded copy of Google Protobuf. This fixes an annoying version conflict bug.

  • Bundling a rule file to ensure compatibility with Proguard/R8.

  • Refactoring Android Keystore integration

    • Running a self-test to only enable the integration if Android Keystore is working properly.

    • Do not automatically generate fresh keys if keys exist but are corrupt. This won't recover corrupt keys, but at least it will allow to gather more data on Android Keystore failures.

dependencies {
  implementation ''


Tinkey can now be installed via Homebrew on Linux and macOS.

brew tap google/tink
brew install tinkey

The binaries can also be downloaded from

Known issues

  • Tink in Obj-C doesn't build. That is, you can't build it yourself using Bazel. You can still use it in your apps by installing our prebuilt package, as noted above.

Tink 1.4.0-rc2

15 May 08:22
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Tink 1.4.0-rc2 Pre-release

Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

This is Tink 1.4.0-rc2.


This release candidate adds things that we want to ship in 1.4.0, but didn't have a chance to add them to 1.4.0-rc1, such as:

  • a proper fix for the infamous Protobuf issue in Tink for Android.
  • a better go.mod config.
  • many changes in Tink Python that didn't make the last release cut.

The complete list of changes since 1.4.0-rc1 can be found here.



We no longer offer prebuilt binaries for C++. Please check out this documentation for how to compile your application together with Tink using Bazel or CMake.

Obj-C with CocoaPods

cd /path/to/your/Xcode project/
pod init
pod 'Tink', '1.4.0-rc2'
pod install


To install Tink locally run:

go get


See setup instructions.

Java with Maven


Android with Gradle

dependencies {
  implementation ''

Known issues

  • Tink Obj-C doesn't build. That is, you can't check out Tink Obj-C and build it yourself using Bazel. You can still use it in your apps by installing our prebuilt package, as noted above.

What's next

1.4.0 final should be out in 1-2 weeks, barring new issues.

Tink 1.4.0-rc1

30 Apr 23:44
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Tink 1.4.0-rc1 Pre-release

Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

This is Tink 1.4.0-rc1.


  • This version introduces support for Python. Tink Python, which is a Pybind11 wrapper of Tink C++, supports all primitives but Streaming AEAD (which will come in 1.5.0). For an overview of using the Tink Python implementation, see the Python HOW-TO. In addition, there are illustrative examples of using Tink Python which can be used as a jumping off point.

  • Tink C++ now tries to erase keys from memory after use.

The complete list of changes since 1.3.0 can be found here. Please note that Tink JavaScript is not a part of this release.



We no longer offer prebuilt binaries for C++. Please check out this documentation for how to compile your application together with Tink using Bazel or CMake.

Obj-C with CocoaPods

cd /path/to/your/Xcode project/
pod init
pod 'Tink', '1.4.0-rc1'
pod install


To install Tink locally run:

go get


See setup instructions.

Java with Maven


Android with Gradle

dependencies {
  compile ''

Known issues

  • Tink Obj-C doesn't build. That is, you can't check out Tink Obj-C and build it yourself using Bazel. You can still use it in your apps by installing our prebuilt package, as noted above. We're fixing this.

What's next

1.4.0 final should be out in 1-2 weeks, barring new issues.

Tink 1.3.0

19 Mar 07:17
Choose a tag to compare

Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

This is Tink 1.3.0.


There is no change since rc4.

Compared to 1.2.x, main changes in 1.3.0 include

  • new language: Golang with primitives MAC, AEAD (incl. KMS envelope), deterministic AEAD, hybrid encryption and digital signatures (see supported primitives and GOLANG HOWTO for details)
  • C++ deterministic AEAD (AES-SIV) and streaming AEAD (AES-GCM-HKDF-STREAMING)
  • C++ KMS-AEAD and KMS-envelope-AEAD, incl. integration with AWS KMS and GCP KMS.
  • RSA-signatures for Java and C++ (RSA-SSA-PKCS1, RSA-SSA-PSS)
  • ED25519 signatures for C++, Obj-C, and Go

Please note that Tink JavaScript and Tink Python are not a part of this release. Moreover, streaming envelope encryption (for Java and C++) has been de-prioritized and also is not a part of this release.



We no longer offer prebuilt binaries for C++. Please check out this documentation for how to compile your application together with Tink using Bazel or CMake.

Obj-C with CocoaPods

cd /path/to/your/Xcode project/
pod init
pod 'Tink', '1.3.0'
pod install


To install Tink locally run:

go get

Java with Maven


Android with Gradle

dependencies {
  compile ''

What's next

We're actively working on 1.4.0. This release will add Python support. It should be out by April 2020.

Tink 1.3.0-rc4

20 Feb 08:22
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Tink 1.3.0-rc4 Pre-release

Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

This is Tink 1.3.0 Release Candidate 4.


The complete list of changes since 1.3.0-rc3 can be found here.

Changes of note include (from rc3 to rc4):

  • Fix an inconsistency in the Envelope Encryption approach in the C++ implementation (8e4b5c7)

Please note that Tink JavaScript and Tink Python are not a part of this release. Moreover, streaming envelope encryption (for Java and C++) has been de-prioritized and also is not a part of this release.


C++ with prebuilt binaries

OS="$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
curl -L \
  "${OS}-x86_64-1.3.0-rc4.tar.gz" |
sudo tar -xz -C ${TARGET_DIR}

Obj-C with CocoaPods

cd /path/to/your/Xcode project/
pod init
pod 'Tink', '1.3.0-rc4'
pod install


To install Tink locally run:

go get

Java with Maven


Android with Gradle

dependencies {
  compile ''

What's next

This should be the last release candidate before the final 1.3.0 release.

Tink 1.3.0-rc3

20 Dec 06:48
Choose a tag to compare
Tink 1.3.0-rc3 Pre-release

Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

This is Tink 1.3.0 Release Candidate 3


The complete list of changes since 1.3.0-rc2 can be found here.

Changes of note include (from rc2 to rc3):

  • Fix ExceptionInInitializerError with tink-android (#289)
  • Fix CocoaPod to actually include new APIs.

Please note that Tink JavaScript and Tink Python are not a part of this release. Moreover, streaming envelope encryption (for Java and C++) has been de-prioritized and also is not a part of this release.


C++ with prebuilt binaries

OS="$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
curl -L \
  "${OS}-x86_64-1.3.0-rc3.tar.gz" |
sudo tar -xz -C ${TARGET_DIR}

Obj-C with CocoaPods

The Obj-C artifacts are pending publication. This note will be removed once they are published.

cd /path/to/your/Xcode project/
pod init
pod 'Tink', '1.3.0-rc3'
pod install


To install Tink locally run:

go get

Java with Maven


Android with Gradle

dependencies {
  compile ''

What's next

There may be a few more release candidates before we get to the final 1.3.0 release. It should be out by December 2019.