Easy manage letsencrypt certificates in HAProxy environment. Tested only in Centos 7.
- Edit letsHAP script file and customize it (HAProxy instance name + conf file), and enable it.
- make install (will copy letsHAP in /usr/local/bin/letsHAP)
- After your first certificate installation, replace the https bind line with the proper one (see haproxy.cfg example file)
To enable auto renew, add a line in /etc/crontab (or via crontab -e as root) :
* 23 * * * root letsHAP --renew-all
We made it easy : you'll find the minimal to config your HAProxy in haproxy.cfg.
You can get it with 'letHAP -h'
~ Usage : letsHAP [Option] [PARAM]
Beware : First start, you have to run $0 --register [EMAIL]
-dry |--dry-run
* Simulation mode
-re |--register [EMAIL]
* Create your account on let's Encrypt and /etc/letsencrypt directory
-res |--register-staging [EMAIL]
* Create your STAGING account on let's Encrypt - Required for test certificates (--testcert)
-a |--add [DOMAIN]
* Create and install certificate for one or multiple domains (SAN - max renewal : 200/week)
* Create renewal config file(s) for domain(s)
* Add and refresh HAProxy's ssl cert list
* Check config file && restart HAProxy
~ The certname will be the first domain of the list
letsHAP -a mydomain.com
letsHAP -a mydomain1.com,mydomain2.com,www.mydomain1.com,www.mydomain2.com
-ra |--renew-all :
* Renew what's needed for renewed domains
* Regenerate .pem files for HAProxy
* HAProxy : Check config file && restart
-rev |--revoke [CERTNAME]
* Revoke in place a certificate (don't move any file) and all the SANs attached to it
~ The certname is either the domain of a single domain certificate, either the first domain of a list of certificates
~ If you need to revoke the 'certname' domain, please revoke it entirely and recreate a SAN without it
letsHAP -rev mydomain1.com && letsHAP -a mydomain2.com,www.mydomain1.com,www.mydomain2.com
-del |--delete
* Delete completely a cert chain
* Clean up and restart HAProxy
-f| --forceRegenerate
* Used with --dry-run, permit to force the renewal of haproxy chain files
-t | --test-cert
* Create a test certificate - Require to be registered with a staging account
-h |--help
* Getting this how to use details
Error codes
exit 1 : Undefined error
exit 2 : Certname doesn't exists
exit 3 : Certificate already revoked
exit 4 : Undefined revocation error
exit 9 : Script's not enabled
# Production registering account
$0 -re [email protected]
# Staging registering account
$0 -res [email protected]
# Create SAN
$0 -a domain.tld,www.domain.tld
# Create test cert
$0 -t -a domain2.tld,www.domain2.tld
# Delete certname && clean HAProxy ssl file
$0 -del domain2.tld