For the fairness of this event. This 3 days code will not change.
Only comments might be added in the future or changes in the README file.
This project: Got First Place. At Hackathon 2.0 from Digital Career Institute.
Mongolia BBQ Social Restuarant. Order now online!
It’s not always what it seems. That's what we thought after hearing that Mongolian Barbecue is not really from mongolia. What we did find is a fascinating story of man Wu Zhaonan who created the Mongolian Barbecue. And as we set out to make this Website 3 aspects of this man life stuck out.
Obviously the food.
The fact that he is the one who developed the mongolian Barbecue.
And he was a Refugee: support those in need.
These 3 points are the inspiration for Stir it up. So let me take you through the ordering process.
In Alphabetical order:
Our Marketing guy and Story Teller!
Class FBW 49/1
Our Logic guy and Web-Architect of the project!
Class FbW-WD21-E02
Our Styler and Web-Responsive Super(trick-)star!