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Releases: tomasf/Nodal


27 Feb 16:45
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New Features

  • Node has a new xPath property that calculates a unique absolute XPath.
  • Copying nodes is now supported, using the copy(to:at:) method. This also works between two different documents.
  • There's a new protocol called XMLElementCodable that lets you implement methods on your own types for encoding and decoding them to/from XML elements. Similarly, XMLValueCodable handles conversion between value types and strings used for XML attributes or text content.

Bug Fixes

  • A bug where the descendants property returned nodes outside the intended tree has been fixed.
  • Resetting the default namespace with xmlns="" is now supported.


  • XPathResultNode has been renamed to XPathNode.


07 Feb 22:00
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The Node type is now a struct instead of an object, which brings major performance gains for large XML documents. There are also significant optimizations for namespace resolution.

0.1.0: Initial release

22 Jan 17:38
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