How do you check for security requirements while you build your cloud infrastructure? In this workshop, we'll walk through how to use policy as code to deliver and release an immutable machine image with security in mind. Learn to use static analysis to check provisioning scripts for security requirements.
- Build a container image with Packer and Docker
- Write some unit tests which statically analyze both Packer and Docker configuration
- Write some integration tests which dynamically analyze a test container instance
- Add them to a delivery pipeline
Bring your own machine and make sure you install prerequisites!
Note: If you find yourself struggling with the answer, check out the
branch. You can also review the slides for this workshop.
Your machine must have a Linux subsystem to run some of the commands.
Download and install the following software:
- Python 3.8+
- Packer 1.7.2+
- Docker for Desktop
- Ruby 3.0+
You will also need to set up a log infor the following:
- GitHub
- [Optional] Google Cloud Platform, review Step 4.
Install Chef Inspec.
make inspec
You will need to accept the license agreement for Inspec. Make sure you review it first!
inspec --chef-license=accept
Fork this repository.
Clone your fork.
git clone [email protected]:<your github id>/policy-as-code-workshop.git
We will use static analysis to test the configuration file to create our Docker container in two methods: Packer and Docker.
You'll notice Packer and Docker have two different approaches. This gives you an idea of what you might need to do to write custom rules for configurations versus using open source tooling available.
This workflow is something you can apply to virtual machines as well. We show how to statically analyze a Packer configuration for compliance and security testing.
is a Packer configuration that defines a Docker
container. How do we know that it will build a secure and compliant
Docker image?
We'll add a test to test/unit
to check that the base image of the container
uses Ubuntu.
Install the required Python packages for testing the configuration. This includes
, a Python testing fraemwork, andpython-hcl2
, which we'll use to parsedocker.pkr.hcl
.pip3 install -r test/unit/requirements.txt
Run the unit tests.
pytest test/unit
This workflow only applies to containers.
We show how to statically analyze a Dockerfile
for compliance
and security best practices.
In this case, we do not write our own rules. We'll use Hadolint to check for best practices in building our Dockerfile.
is a Docker configuration that defines a Docker
container. How do we know that it will build a secure and compliant
Docker image?
We can run hadolint
to check problems with our Dockerfile.
docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < Dockerfile
Notice that you did not have to build or run the application container! Unit tests for static analysis do not require a runtime environment.
Some things you can check by analyzing the files, while other policy as code requires running infrastructure. Let's verify the security and compliance of the running container.
Build the application container image. It will be called
.make build
If you are running Docker for Desktop, you can use the
docker scan
command to scan the image dynamically! This will send information to Snyk.docker scan policy-as-code:latest
Notice we ran the docker scan
command locally. If you run
this in pipelines or other automation, you will need to
register for Snyk and get an API token.
There are open source options for scanning container images.
We'll be using Inspec's Docker CIS Benchmarks
as an example. You'll also add your own Inspec tests
specific to the policy-as-code
We'll add a test to test/integration
using Inspec which
verifies that the fake-service
binary exists in the right
place and the user is not root. However, it requires
a running container.
Start the container.
export CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -d policy-as-code:latest)
Run the integration tests.
inspec exec test/integration -t docker://${CONTAINER_ID}
You'll notice it fails! You need to correct the
so that the integration tests pass. You'll need a few things, including:- Run the container as a user
and groupubuntu
. - Set the default
user with a shell of/bin/sh
- Run the container as a user
You can also try running the CIS Benchmark for Docker! We suggest starting with one test, mostly because there are a lot of them!
inspec exec --controls 'docker-4.1'
Remove the container.
docker rm -f ${CONTAINER_ID}
Go to
. It has a few jobs added and they do not have too much to run. -
First, add Hadolint scanning to run under the
job. -
Next, add the Inspec integration test to the
Can you build the container image and deploy it to Google Cloud Platform Cloud Run? This is an optional step if you want to try to release the container to GCP.
For the accessibility of this workshop, we tried to avoid any cost-incurring resources. You can attempt the optional Terraform configuration, but it will incur a small cost with GCP Cloud Run.
You must have a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account.
You must have a Google Cloud Platform project.
Make sure you've downloaded gcloud CLI.
Make sure to run
gcloud init
after installing. It will walk you through the needed steps. -
Create a project using the console. Make note of your GCP project ID because it will be needed in later steps.
Set the project ID as an environment variable. Make sure you set it for each shell.
export CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT=<your project id>
Configure Docker with Google Container Registry credentials and enable the container registry on GCP.
make gcr
Set the project ID as an environment variable. Make sure you set it for each shell.
export CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT=<your project id>
Build and push the container image to Google Container Registry. This may incur a small cost!
make push
Go into the
test/e2e test/e2e
Initialize Terraform.
terraform init
Deploy the example service to GCP Cloud Run and type "yes" at the prompt.
terraform apply
Remove all resources with Terraform.
cd test/e2e && terraform destroy -auto-aprove
Delete all the images from Google Container Registry.
gcloud container images delete \${CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT}/policy-as-code \
--force-delete-tags --quiet