package usage:
install the package:
pip install -e .
get labels by importing function from the package:
from ml_danbooru_tagger import infer_batch_with_defaults
bench_tag_dict = infer_batch_with_defaults("bench_images_small")
package usage:
to build the package:
python bdist_wheel
CLI usage:
- clone repo & install deps:
git clone && cd ml-danbooru-tagger
pip install -r requirements.txt
start tagging:
automatically downloads models
optimal settings preconfigured
tags will be saved as json file next to the tagged folder
for more args available see the python file
python --data {IMAGE_DIR_PATH}
- better error handling
- can be used as a pacakge on downsteraam projects
- downloads model automatically when not given
- keeps probability of tags along with string repr
- adds batched inference by default
- modified json save path