Add an additionnal searcher to support loading module from compressed file (.lua.gz)
You can set a custom search path in package.gzpath
package.gzpath = "./?.lua.gz;./?/init.lua.gz"
If the package.gzpath
is not set, the package.path
will be took replacing each ending .lua
by .lua.gz
local gzloader = require "gzloader"
local foo = require "foo" -- will load foo.lua or foo.lua.gz
- compat support for each lua version (for now lua5.2+, missing package.searchpath in lua5.1)
- clean and rewrote lot of things...
- gzloader (c) 2016 TsT is under MIT License.
- compress.deflatelua (compress(c) 2008-2011 David Manura. Licensed under the same terms as Lua (MIT).