This is example for RESTful API that construc base on microservice with Node.js, this project are make from window then it may be problem with linux but it shold't have.
This backend code will let devoper to enjoin his business logic in control part only, for model and infra part are automate update. In control part are work as promise base then it will clean code.
methods( get_data_from_redis )
.then( result_from_redis => {
if( result_from_redis ) return result_from_redis
return methods( get_data_from_mysql)
.then( result_from_mysql => {
if( !result_from_mysql ) return "there is no data"
return methods( save_data_redis )
.then( result_from_redis => {
if( err ) return err
return result_from_mysql
.catch( err => err )
}).catch( err => err )
- Docker && docker-compose
- Nodejs
- Postman for test
get source code
git clone
run command npm install for get all dependency code in each module folder( gateway, user, order, mysqlgw, redisgw )
npm install
Then you need to run 5 times, in eache folder
run command docker-compose up mysql in root part first for init mysql database avoid error, due with dev environtment it need to set up DB first
docker-compose up mysql
After Mysql was ready for accept TCP3306 then shut it down
by press contol c
run command docker-compose up in root part and everything should be ok ( redis server it quite fast then no need to do like Mysql)
docker-compose up
In next time to run this project you can run docker-compose up, no need to run docker-compose up mysql again. Anyway, if you still found error from mysqlgw then just wait for 2-3 min and then put command line in another window as
docker-compose restart mysqlgw
uri : localhost/api/user/getbyID/:id
input: :id unmber
output : object of user folowing id as we put
example : localhost/api/user/getbyID/1
uri : localhost/api/user/add/
input: user object objbect ( x-wwww-form-urlencoded )
output: string "user already add"
example of user object
username : admin2 email: [email protected] method: local pwd: admin rold: admin
If you have any question or comment more explain, Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]