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Mongoose Safe Query

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A mongoose plugin that verifies the fields in a query to ensure that:

  • All fields exist in mongoose schema.
  • The query has sufficient index coverage.

When there is any violation, you can configure the plugin to run arbitrary code, or throw a customizable message.


npm install mongoose-safe-query


Apply the plugin to all schemas:

import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { SafeQuery } from 'mongoose-safe-query';

const safeQuery = new SafeQuery();
const safeQueryPlugin = safeQuery.getPlugin();


// Define schemas afterwards

Apply the plugin to specific schemas:

import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { SafeQuery } from 'mongoose-safe-query';

const safeQuery = new SafeQuery();
const safeQueryPlugin = safeQuery.getPlugin();

const schema = new mongoose.Schema({ /* schema definition */ });


Usually you have multiple schemas. You can create the safeQuery instance and safeQueryPlugin in a separate file, and share it with all the schemas. See Notes below to details.


When creating a SafeQuery instance, you can customize the plugin as follows.


const safeQuery = new SafeQuery()
  // Always warn
  // Only throw in non-production environment
  .setThrowCondition(() => process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')
    warnAction: (query: ViolatingQuery) => {
      // Log to your logging framework
    throwMessage: (query: ViolatingQuery) => {
      return `Query fields do not exist in ${query.modelName}: ` +
        query.violatingFields.join(', ');
    // Query requires at least 25% index coverage
    minCoverage: 0.25,
    warnAction: (query: ViolatingQuery) => {
      // Log to your logging framework
    throwMessage: (query: ViolatingQuery) => {
      return `Query has insufficient index coverage in ${query.modelName}: ` +
        query.violatingFields.join(', ');


Option Type Setter Definition
shouldWarn () => boolean setWarnCondition Whether a warning action should be run if there is any violation. Default to always return true.
shouldThrow () => boolean setThrowCondition Whether an exception should be thrown if there is any violation. Default to always return false.
checkField object setFieldCheckHandler See Field Existence Config.
checkIndex object setIndexCheckHandler See Index Coverage Config.
  • For convenience, you can pass in a boolean constant to setWarnCondition and setThrowCondition if no dynamic evaluation is needed.

Field Existence Config

  • This config determines what to do if a query has fields that do not exist in the schema.
  • Setter: setFieldCheckHandler.
Option Type Default Definition
warnAction (query: ViolatingQuery) => void Log a warning message to console. Given a violation query, define the warning action to run.
throwMessage (query: ViolatingQuery) => string undefined Given a violation query, return a message. This message will be wrapped in InvalidField error and thrown.
  • The plugin will only run the warning action if shouldWarn returns true and warnAction is defined.
  • Similarly, it will only throw an InvalidField error if shouldThrow return true and throwMessage is defined.

Index Coverage Config

  • This config determines what to do if a query has insufficient coverage.
  • Setter: setIndexCheckHandler.
Option Type Default Definition
minCoverage number 0.25 A floating number representing the percentage of fields that should be covered by an index.
warnAction (query: ViolatingQuery) => void Log a warning message to console. Given a violation query, define the warning action to run.
throwMessage (query: ViolatingQuery) => string undefined Given a violation query, return a message. This message will be wrapped in LowIndexCoverage error and thrown.
  • The plugin will only run the warning action if shouldWarn returns true and warnAction is defined.
  • Similarly, it will only throw a LowIndexCoverage error if shouldThrow return true and throwMessage is defined.


  • All plugins created from the same SafeQuery instance share the configurations. Any update to the configurations will be shared by models whose schemas are configured with the same plugin.
  • For each query with the same fields, the warning action will only be run once. This is because usually you log the violating query in the warning action. This feature prevents the logging framework from being flooded by frequent queries.

