NeurIPS page with video and slides here.
Install the core lagrangebench
library from PyPi as
python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install lagrangebench --extra-index-url=
Note that by default lagrangebench
is installed without JAX GPU support. For that follow the instructions in the GPU support section.
Clone this GitHub repository
git clone
cd lagrangebench
Install the dependencies with Poetry (>=1.6.0)
poetry install --only main
Alternatively, a requirements file is provided. It directly installs the CUDA version of JAX.
pip install -r requirements_cuda.txt
For a CPU version of the requirements file, one could use docs/requirements.txt
To run JAX on GPU, follow Installing JAX, or in general run
pip install -U "jax[cuda12]==0.4.29"
Note: as of 27.06.2024, to make our GNN models deterministic on GPUs, you need to set
os.environ["XLA_FLAGS"] = "--xla_gpu_deterministic_ops=true"
. However, all current models rely ofscatter_sum
, and this operation seems to be slower than running a normal for-loop in Python, when executed in deterministic mode, see #17844 and #10674.
Currently, only the CPU installation works. You will need to change a few small things to get it going:
- Clone installation: in
change the torch version from2.1.0+cpu
. Then, remove thepoetry.lock
file and runpoetry install --only main
. - Configs: You will need to set
Although the current jax-metal==0.0.5
library supports jax in general, there seems to be a missing feature used by jax-md
related to padding -> see this issue.
A general tutorial is provided in the example notebook "Training GNS on the 2D Taylor Green Vortex" under ./notebooks/tutorial.ipynb
on the LagrangeBench repository. The notebook covers the basics of LagrangeBench, such as loading a dataset, setting up a case, training a model from scratch and evaluating its performance.
Alternatively, experiments can also be set up with
, based on extensive YAML config files and cli arguments (check configs/
). By default, the arguments have priority as 1) passed cli arguments, 2) YAML config and 3)
When loading a saved model with load_ckp
the config from the checkpoint is automatically loaded and training is restarted. For more details check the
For example, to start a GNS run from scratch on the RPF 2D dataset use
python config=configs/rpf_2d/gns.yaml
Some model presets can be found in ./configs/
If mode=all
is provided, then training (mode=train
) and subsequent inference (mode=infer
) on the test split will be run in one go.
Restart training
To restart training from the last checkpoint in load_ckp
python load_ckp=ckp/gns_rpf2d_yyyymmdd-hhmmss
To evaluate a trained model from load_ckp
on the test split (test=True
) use
python load_ckp=ckp/gns_rpf2d_yyyymmdd-hhmmss/best rollout_dir=rollout/gns_rpf2d_yyyymmdd-hhmmss/best mode=infer test=True
If the default eval.infer.out_type=pkl
is active, then the generated trajectories and a metricsYYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS.pkl
file will be written to eval.rollout_dir
. The metrics file contains all eval.infer.metrics
properties for each generated rollout.
We provide three notebooks that show LagrangeBench functionalities, namely:
, with a general overview of LagrangeBench library, with training and evaluation of a simple GNS model,
, with more details and visualizations of the datasets, and
, showing how to train models within LagrangeBench on the datasets from the paper Learning to Simulate Complex Physics with Graph Networks.
The datasets are hosted on Zenodo under the DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10021925. If a dataset is not found in dataset.src
, the data is automatically downloaded. Alternatively, to manually download the datasets use the
shell script, either with a specific dataset name or "all". Namely
- Taylor Green Vortex 2D:
bash tgv_2d datasets/
- Reverse Poiseuille Flow 2D:
bash rpf_2d datasets/
- Lid Driven Cavity 2D:
bash ldc_2d datasets/
- Dam break 2D:
bash dam_2d datasets/
- Taylor Green Vortex 3D:
bash tgv_3d datasets/
- Reverse Poiseuille Flow 3D:
bash rpf_3d datasets/
- Lid Driven Cavity 3D:
bash ldc_3d datasets/
- All:
bash all datasets/
We provide pretrained model weights of our default GNS and SEGNN models on each of the 7 LagrangeBench datasets. You can download and run the checkpoints given below. In the table, we also provide the 20-step error measures on the full test split.
Dataset | Model | MSE20 | Sinkhorn | MSEEkin |
2D TGV | GNS-10-128 | 5.9e-6 | 3.2e-7 | 4.9e-7 |
SEGNN-10-64 | 4.4e-6 | 2.1e-7 | 5.0e-7 | |
2D RPF | GNS-10-128 | 4.0e-6 | 2.5e-7 | 2.7e-5 |
SEGNN-10-64 | 3.4e-6 | 2.5e-7 | 1.4e-5 | |
2D LDC | GNS-10-128 | 1.5e-5 | 1.1e-6 | 6.1e-7 |
SEGNN-10-64 | 2.1e-5 | 3.7e-6 | 1.6e-5 | |
2D DAM | GNS-10-128 | 3.1e-5 | 1.4e-5 | 1.1e-4 |
SEGNN-10-64 | 4.1e-5 | 2.3e-5 | 5.2e-4 | |
3D TGV | GNS-10-128 | 5.8e-3 | 4.7e-6 | 4.8e-2 |
SEGNN-10-64 | 5.0e-3 | 4.9e-6 | 3.9e-2 | |
3D RPF | GNS-10-128 | 2.1e-5 | 3.3e-7 | 1.8e-6 |
SEGNN-10-64 | 1.7e-5 | 2.7e-7 | 1.7e-6 | |
3D LDC | GNS-10-128 | 4.1e-5 | 3.2e-7 | 1.9e-8 |
SEGNN-10-64 | 4.1e-5 | 2.9e-7 | 2.5e-8 |
To reproduce the numbers in the table, e.g., on 2D TGV with GNS, follow these steps:
# download the checkpoint (1) through the browser or
# (2) using the file ID from the URL, i.e., for 2D TGV + GNS
gdown 19TO4PaFGcryXOFFKs93IniuPZKEcaJ37
# unzip the downloaded file ``
python -c "import shutil; shutil.unpack_archive('', 'gns_tgv2d')"
# evaluate the model on the test split
python gpu=$GPU_ID mode=infer eval.test=True load_ckp=gns_tgv2d/best
┣ 📂case_setup # Case setup manager
┃ ┣ 📜 # CaseSetupFn class
┃ ┗ 📜 # Feature extraction
┣ 📂data # Datasets and dataloading utils
┃ ┣ 📜 # H5Dataset class and specific datasets
┃ ┗ 📜
┣ 📂evaluate # Evaluation and rollout generation tools
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┗ 📜
┣ 📂models # Baseline models
┃ ┣ 📜 # BaseModel class
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┗ 📜
┣ 📂train # Trainer method and training tricks
┃ ┣ 📜 # Training tricks
┃ ┗ 📜 # Trainer method
┣ 📜 # Default values
┣ 📜 # Runner wrapping training and inference
┗ 📜
Welcome! We highly appreciate Github issues and PRs.
You can also chat with us on Discord.
If you want to contribute to this repository, you will need the dev dependencies, i.e.
install the environment with poetry install
without the --only main
Then, we also recommend you install the pre-commit hooks
if you don't want to manually run pre-commit run
before each commit. To sum up:
git clone
cd lagrangebench
poetry install
source $PATH_TO_LAGRANGEBENCH_VENV/bin/activate
# install pre-commit hooks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml
# ruff is configured in pyproject.toml
pre-commit install
# if you want to bump the version in both pyproject.toml and, do
poetry self add poetry-bumpversion
poetry version patch # or minor/major
After you have run git add <FILE>
and try to git commit
, the pre-commit hook will
fix the linting and formatting of <FILE>
before you are allowed to commit.
You should also run the tests locally before creating a PR. Do this simply by:
# pytest is configured in pyproject.toml
LagrangeBench can be installed by cloning the repository or as a standalone library. This offers more flexibility, but it also comes with its disadvantages: the necessity to implement some things twice. If you change any of the following things, make sure to update its counterpart as well:
- General setup in
- Configs in
- Zenodo URLs in
- Dependencies in
, anddocs/requirements.txt
- Library version in
The paper (at NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks) can be cited as:
title={Lagrangebench: A lagrangian fluid mechanics benchmarking suite},
author={Toshev, Artur and Galletti, Gianluca and Fritz, Fabian and Adami, Stefan and Adams, Nikolaus},
journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
The associated datasets can be cited as:
author = {Toshev, Artur P. and Adams, Nikolaus A.},
title = {LagrangeBench Datasets},
month = jan,
year = 2024,
publisher = {Zenodo},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.10491868},
url = {}
The following further publications are based on the LagrangeBench codebase:
- Learning Lagrangian Fluid Mechanics with E(3)-Equivariant Graph Neural Networks (GSI 2023), A. P. Toshev, G. Galletti, J. Brandstetter, S. Adami, N. A. Adams
- Neural SPH: Improved Neural Modeling of Lagrangian Fluid Dynamics (ICML 2024), A. P. Toshev, J. A. Erbesdobler, N. A. Adams, J. Brandstetter