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How to deploy a private minerpool.

Download files

Click on the link: Download the corresponding file according to the system and extract it.

Create a wallet(If you hava keywords of wallet,skip this step)

Enter the unzipped folder,exec command:ufo-wallet init;

After entering and confirming the password, you will get a series of 12 English words separated by semicolons

Please make a good backup and keep it carefully to avoid being acquired by others.


After this step, a file called wallet.db is generated under the current path.

Restore wallet database files using keywords(if already has wallet.db,skip this stop)

Execute ufo-wallet restore --seed_phrase=keywords (keywords separated by semicolon)

After this step, a file called wallet.db is generated under the current path.

Start UFO node

(1) Need to export secret subkey1 as miner key:

Execute `ufo-wallet export_miner_key --subkey=1`,get `Secret Subkey 1` in result.

(2) Need to export owner key:

Execute `ufo-wallet export_owner_key`,get `Owner Viewer key` in result.

(3) Start ufo node:

Execute ufo-node --port=20001 --treasury_path=treasury.bin --stratum_port=20002 --stratum_use_tls=0 --mining_threads=0 --miner_key=MINERKEY --owner_key=OWNERKEY --pass=PASSWORD

Parameter Specification:

Parameter Implication
port P2P listening port
stratum_port stratum listening port,provides mining function
stratum_use_tls Whether to use TLS to encrypt the transport channel, the stratum_secrets_path option also needs to be configured if enabled, and not if not
stratum_secrets_path The corresponding catalog contains the TLS certificate file (stratum.crt), the key file corresponding to the TLS certificate (stratum.key), and the TLS API's key file (stratum.api.keys).This file is a text file with more than 8 bytes of characters, such as abcd1234
mining_threads The number of mining threads is recommended to be set to the number of CPU cores
miner_key Miner key exported from previous steps
owner_key Owner key exported from previous steps
pass Wallet password

Start Wallet API

(1) Enter the unzipped folder,exec command:wallet-api.exe --node_addr= --pass=12345678 --use_http=1;

parameter implication
node_addr ufo node ip address and p2p port
pass ufo node set password

Config And Start UFOPool

(1) Downloadd minerpool source code from:

(2) Enter x17r path,execute:

cmake .

(3) Back to ufo-pool path,execute:

go build

After this stop,will generated a file named ufo-pool under current path.

(4)Edit config.json file

"WalletUrl": "" (ufo node ip address:node stratum port)

"WalletApiUrl": "" (walet-api ip address:port)

(5)Start ufo pool



UFO mining pool backend implemented using golang






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