Website for the UF Open Source Club. Started in the Fall semester 2022, this website is built and maintained by club members to serve as a hub of information for the club.
Clone the repository (requires git):
git clone
Navigate to the project directory and install the project dependencies (requires Node.js):
cd Club_Website_2
npm install
Starting the development server:
npm run develop
You may access the website at http://localhost:8000
Building for production:
npm run build
The gatsby webpack analyzer will briefly spawn a page at with the JavaScript bundling information before exiting. Once the build is finished, the website can be served with gatsby:
npm run serve
The website may be accessed at http://localhost:9000
Maintained by the UF Open Source Club, can be contacted via Discord
Current Maintainers:
- Michail Zeipekki zeim839
- Daniel Wildsmith danielwildsmith
Documentation is available online at Please see the osc-docs project if you're interested in helping with documentation.
All contributions are welcome and appreciated, we're always looking for new ideas or improvements. If you're interested in helping, please see the GitHub issues page for tasks that need help. Alternatively, you may propose new ideas by opening new issues. Contributors should read the contribution guidelines.
Copyright (C) 2024 Open Source Club