Quandoo - the Ruby gem for the Quandoo API Documentation
No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build quandoo.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./quandoo-1.0.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./quandoo-1.0.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'quandoo', '~> 1.0.0'
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'quandoo', :git => 'https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git'
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'quandoo'
api_instance = Quandoo::AvailabilitiesApi.new
merchant_id = 56 # Integer | Id of the merchant
agent_id = 56 # Integer | Id of the agent
opts = {
capacity: 56 # Integer | Number of people
#Get merchant availability days
result = api_instance.availability_days1(merchant_id, agent_id, opts)
p result
rescue Quandoo::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AvailabilitiesApi->availability_days1: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to https://api.quandoo.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
Quandoo::AvailabilitiesApi | availability_days1 | GET /v1/merchants/{merchantId}/availabilities | Get merchant availability days |
Quandoo::AvailabilitiesApi | availability_options1 | GET /v1/merchants/{merchantId}/availabilities/{date}/times | Get merchant availability time slots |
Quandoo::CustomersApi | get_customer1 | GET /v1/customers/{customerId} | Get customer Data |
Quandoo::CustomersApi | get_customers_of_merchant1 | GET /v1/merchants/{merchantId}/customers | Get a list of Customers of a merchant |
Quandoo::CustomersApi | get_reservations1 | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/reservations | Get customer reservations |
Quandoo::MenusApi | add_preordered_items1 | PATCH /v1/reservations/{reservationId}/preorders | Add/remove menu items to/from a reservation's preorders |
Quandoo::MenusApi | find_menus_for_reservation1 | GET /v1/reservations/{reservationId}/menus | Get all available menus for a reservation |
Quandoo::MenusApi | get_menu_for_reservation1 | GET /v1/reservations/{reservationId}/menus/{menuId} | Get information about an available reservation menu |
Quandoo::MenusApi | get_preordered_items1 | GET /v1/reservations/{reservationId}/preorders | Get preorders of a reservation |
Quandoo::MenusApi | save_preordered_items1 | PUT /v1/reservations/{reservationId}/preorders | Preorder menu items for a reservation |
Quandoo::MerchantsApi | get_reservations2 | GET /v1/merchants/{merchantId}/reservations | Get merchant reservations |
Quandoo::MerchantsApi | get_reviews1 | GET /v1/merchants/{merchantId}/reviews | Retrieves customer reviews for a merchant, specified by reviewId |
Quandoo::MerchantsApi | search | GET /v1/merchants | Allows to get merchant information by parameters |
Quandoo::MerchantsApi | search2 | GET /v1/merchants/{merchantId} | Allows to get a merchant by id |
Quandoo::MerchantsApi | search_similar1 | GET /v1/merchants/{merchantId}/similar | Allows to get a merchant by id and find similar merchants |
Quandoo::ReservationEnquiriesApi | create_reservation_enquiry1 | PUT /v1/reservation-enquiries | Create reservation enquiries |
Quandoo::ReservationEnquiriesApi | get_messages_for_reservation_enquiry1 | GET /v1/reservation-enquiries/{reservationEnquiryId}/messages | Get all messages of a reservation enquiry |
Quandoo::ReservationEnquiriesApi | get_reservation_enquiry1 | GET /v1/reservation-enquiries/{reservationEnquiryId} | Get reservation enquiry by id |
Quandoo::ReservationEnquiriesApi | update_reservation_enquiry1 | PATCH /v1/reservation-enquiries/{reservationEnquiryId} | Update status of reservation enquiry by id |
Quandoo::ReservationSettingsApi | reservation_settings1 | GET /v1/merchants/{merchantId}/reservation-settings | Get merchant reservation settings |
Quandoo::ReservationsApi | create_reservation1 | PUT /v1/reservations | Create reservations |
Quandoo::ReservationsApi | get_reservation1 | GET /v1/reservations/{reservationId} | Get reservation by id |
Quandoo::ReservationsApi | update_reservation1 | PATCH /v1/reservations/{reservationId} | Update reservation by id |
Quandoo::ReviewsApi | create_review1 | PUT /v1/reviews | Create a review for a reservation |
Quandoo::ReviewsApi | get_review1 | GET /v1/reviews/{reviewId} | Get details for a specific review |
Quandoo::ReviewsApi | get_reviews2 | GET /v1/reviews | Get information from reviews in a list |
Quandoo::ReviewsApi | update_review1 | PATCH /v1/reviews | Updated a review |
Quandoo::StatusApi | get_status_by_get1 | GET /v1/status | Provides information on the status of the service |
Quandoo::StatusApi | get_status_by_head1 | HEAD /v1/status | Provides information on the status of the service |
Quandoo::ValidationsApi | validate_phone_number1 | GET /v1/validations/phone-numbers | Validate phone number |
- Quandoo::AgentTracking
- Quandoo::AreaDto
- Quandoo::ChainDto
- Quandoo::ChangedReviewDto
- Quandoo::CoordinatesDto
- Quandoo::CreateReviewDto
- Quandoo::CreatedMasterCustomer
- Quandoo::CreatedReservation
- Quandoo::CreatedReservationData
- Quandoo::CreatedReservationEnquiry
- Quandoo::CreatedReservationEnquiryData
- Quandoo::CustomerDataList
- Quandoo::CustomerDto
- Quandoo::CustomerResponse
- Quandoo::CustomerReviewData
- Quandoo::CustomerStatisticsData
- Quandoo::DealData
- Quandoo::DocumentDto
- Quandoo::ErrorResponse
- Quandoo::GetReservationEnquiryData
- Quandoo::GetReviewDto
- Quandoo::GetReviewsDto
- Quandoo::ImageDto
- Quandoo::LinkRelationDto
- Quandoo::LocationDto
- Quandoo::MarketingSettingDto
- Quandoo::MerchantAddressDto
- Quandoo::MerchantAvailabilityDaysDto
- Quandoo::MerchantAvailabilityDto
- Quandoo::MerchantAvailabilityDtoList
- Quandoo::MerchantCustomer
- Quandoo::MerchantCustomerData
- Quandoo::MerchantDetailsDto
- Quandoo::MerchantDetailsDtoList
- Quandoo::MerchantMenuCategoryDto
- Quandoo::MerchantMenuDto
- Quandoo::MerchantMenuItemDto
- Quandoo::MerchantMenusDto
- Quandoo::MerchantReservation
- Quandoo::MerchantReservationData
- Quandoo::MerchantReservationEnquiry
- Quandoo::MerchantReservationEnquiryData
- Quandoo::MerchantReservationSettingsDto
- Quandoo::MerchantSubscription
- Quandoo::MerchantVaultSettingsDto
- Quandoo::MerchantWithRecommendationsDto
- Quandoo::OpeningTimesDto
- Quandoo::ReservationData
- Quandoo::ReservationDataList
- Quandoo::ReservationDetails
- Quandoo::ReservationEnquiryMessageData
- Quandoo::ReservationEnquiryMessageList
- Quandoo::ReservationMenuData
- Quandoo::ReservationMenuItemData
- Quandoo::RestCookie
- Quandoo::ReviewDto
- Quandoo::ReviewDtoList
- Quandoo::StandardOpeningTimesDto
- Quandoo::TagGroupDto
- Quandoo::Tracking
- Quandoo::TranslatedTagDto
- Quandoo::UpdateReservationData
- Quandoo::UpdateReservationEnquiryData
- Quandoo::UpdateReviewDto
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-Quandoo-AuthToken
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-Quandoo-User-Session
- Location: HTTP header