It's one of forks implementing PR while the upstream repo is left unmaintained, removing obsolete and vulnerable extra dependencies.
It karma adapter for
Install the plugin from Github:
$ yarn add -D "@usertesting/karma-jasmine-jquery"
@usertesting/karma-jasmine-jquery has a dependency on jasmine, so you should use karma-jasmine
as well before karma-jasmine-jquery
. Please note the followings.
This plugin will only work for version karma-jasmine 2.0 and above.
// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
plugins: ['@usertesting/karma-jasmine-jquery']
frameworks: ['jasmine-jquery','jasmine']
The order('jasmine-jquery','jasmine') is important since it affects the order in which the files will be included to karma. Right order - reverse as karma works on the principle of LIFO stack.
This plugin already includes jquery version 2.1.1, it is used for the plugin. However, in the project, you can use a version of jquery (it can be both below and above) and they will not interfere with each other. When writing tests using jquery $ for the project, and to use jquery 2.1.1, use a global variable $j (it makes sense when you want to use when writing test jquery 2 opportunities that are not available in the current version of jquery used in your project, as I). Example of use:
// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
frameworks: ['jquery-1.3.2', 'jasmine-jquery', 'jasmine'],
// Jasmine test example
it('test1', function() {
$().destroyWin('window'); // jquery 1.3.2
expect($j('#window')).not.toBeInDOM(); // $j = jquery 2.1.1