UCI is OpenWRT's Unified Configuration Interface. It is
used to configure OpenWRT router hardware using a simple DSL (and
acompanying CLI tools). Configuration files are written into a
central directory (/etc/config/*
) which basically represents a
key/value store.
This project makes it easy to interact with such a config tree by providing a native interface to that KV store. It has no external runtime dependencies.
For now, we only implements a superset of the actual UCI DSL, but improvements (patches or PRs) are very welcome. Refer to Rob Pike's Lexical Scanning in Go for implementation details on the parser/lexer.
We're currently experimenting with Go binaries on OpenWRT router
hardware and need a way to interact with the system configuration.
We could have created bindings for libuci
, but the
turnaround cycle in developing with CGO is a bit tedious. Also, since
Go does not compile for our target platforms, we need to resort to
GCCGO, which has other quirks.
The easiest solution therefore is a plain Go library, which can be used in Go (with or without CGO) and GCCGO without worrying about interoperability. A library also allows UCI to be used outside of OpenWRT systems (e.g. for provisioning).
import ""
func main() {
// use the default tree (/etc/config)
if values, ok := uci.Get("system", "@system[0]", "hostname"); ok {
fmt.Println("hostanme", values)
//=> hostname [OpenWRT]
// use a custom tree
u := uci.NewTree("/path/to/config")
if values, ok := u.Get("network", "lan", "ifname"); ok {
fmt.Println("network.lan.ifname", values)
//=> network.lan.ifname [eth0.2]
if sectionExists := u.Set("network", "lan", "ipaddr", ""); !sectionExists {
_ = u.AddSection("network", "lan", "interface")
_ = u.Set("network", "lan", "ipaddr", "")
u.Commit() // or uci.Revert()
See API documentation for more details.
Pull requests are welcome, especially if they increase test coverage.
Before submitting changes, please make sure the tests still pass:
$ go test
MIT License. Copyright (c) 2019 Dominik Menke, Digineo GmbH
See LICENSE file for details.