Meaningful Optical Character Recognition from identity cards with Deep Learning.
mocr is a library that can be used to detect meaningful optical characters from identity cards. Code base is pure Python
works with 3.x versions. It has some low level dependencies such as Tesseract
. mocr uses a pre-trained east
detector with OpenCV and applies it's Deep Learning techniques.
It has a pre-trained east detector inside the module and a custom trained model can be given as a parameter.
- Tessaract must be installed on your computer before using OCR. Please check installation link for details.
- The other dependencies are listed on
and will be installed when you install with pip.
From source
Install module using pip:
$ pip install mocr
Download the latest mocr library from:
Install module using pip:
$ pip install -e .
Extract the source distribution and run:
$ python build $ python install
The test suite can be run against a single Python version which requires pip install pytest
and optionally pip install pytest-cov
(these are included if you have installed dependencies from requirements.testing.txt
To run the unit tests with a single Python version:
$ py.test -v
to also run code coverage:
$ py.test -v --cov-report html --cov=mocr
To run the unit tests against a set of Python versions:
$ tox
Initiating theTextRecognizer
with identity image and then finding the texts with their frames:
import os
from mocr import TextRecognizer
image_path = os.path.join('tests', 'data/sample_uk_identity_card.png')
east_path = os.path.join('mocr', 'model/frozen_east_text_detection.pb')
text_recognizer = TextRecognizer(image_path, east_path)
(image, _, _) = text_recognizer.load_image()
(resized_image, ratio_height, ratio_width, _, _) = text_recognizer.resize_image(image, 320, 320)
(scores, geometry) = text_recognizer.geometry_score(east_path, resized_image)
boxes = text_recognizer.boxes(scores, geometry)
results = text_recognizer.get_results(boxes, image, ratio_height, ratio_width)
# results: Meaningful texts with bounding boxes
from mocr import face_detection
face_image = face_detection.detect_face(image_path)
# face_image is the byte array detected and cropped image from original image
from mocr import face_detection
face_image = face_detection.detect_face_from_video(video_path)
# face_image is the byte array detected and cropped image from original video
Sample command line usage
- Optical Character Recognition
python -m mocr --image tests/data/sample_uk_identity_card.png --east tests/model/frozen_east_text_detection.pb
- Face detection from image file
python -m mocr --image-face 'tests/data/sample_de_identity_card.jpg'
- Face detection from video file
python -m mocr --video-face 'tests/data/face-demographics-walking.mp4'