Having trouble testing tables on your frontend? Selenium.TableElement will make things easier for you.
This package has the following features:
- Creation of header collection that functions as indexer for row columns
- Creation of column collection per row
- Get column WebElement by header name or index
- Supports tables with colspan / !!!Does not supports tables with rowspan!!!
There are multiple ways to find your TableElement.
- First parameter represents the seperate headers, second parameter represents the rows and optional third parameter specifies the columns inside each row
ITableElement tableElement = _webDriver.FindTableElement(By.XPath("//table/thead/tr/th"), By.XPath("//table/tbody/tr"), By.ClassName("divTableCell"));
- Same as above but first you find the headers and rows and pass them to FindTableElement, you can also pass the optional column selector
var headers = _webDriver.FindElements(By.ClassName("divTableHead"));
var rows = _webDriver.FindElements(By.CssSelector(".divTableBody>.divTableRow"));
ITableElement tableElement = _webDriver.FindTableElement(headers, rows, By.ClassName("divTableCell"));
var headers = _webDriver.FindElements(By.XPath("//table/thead/tr/th"));
var rows = _webDriver.FindElements(By.XPath("//table/tbody/tr"));
IEnumerable<ITableRowElement> tableRowElements = rows.Select(x => new TableRowElement(headers, x));
For example the following simple Html table that we want to test:
ITableElement tableElement = _webDriver.FindTableElement(By.XPath("//table/thead/tr/th"), By.XPath("//table/tbody/tr"));
ITableRowElement tableRowElement = tableElement.TableRowElements.Single(x => x.GetColumn("First name").Text == "Beta");
ITableRowElement tableRowElement = tableElement.TableRowElements.Single(x => x.GetColumn(0).Text == "Beta");
tableRowElement.GetColumn("Last name").Text.Should().Be("Bit");
tableRowElement.GetColumn("Date of birth").Text.Should().Be("01-10-2002");
For example the following Html table with a button inside a column:
public class ButtonTableRow
private readonly ITableRowElement _tableRowElement;
public string Rownumber => _tableRowElement.GetColumn("Rownumber").Text;
public IWebElement DeleteButton => _tableRowElement.GetColumn("Delete?");
public ButtonTableRow(ITableRowElement tableRowElement)
_tableRowElement = tableRowElement;
public IEnumerable<ButtonTableRow> ButtonTableRows
var tableElement = _webDriver.FindTableElement(By.TagName("th"), By.CssSelector("tbody>tr"));
return tableElement.TableRowElements.Select(x => new ButtonTableRow(x));
var pageObject = new pageObject(_webDriver);
ButtonTableRow secondRow = pageObject.ButtonTableRows.Single(x => x.Rownumber == "Row 2");