A (WIP) tabline plugin for Neovim that always shows your tabs in order of recency.
With lazy.nvim
dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" }, -- optional
event = "VeryLazy", -- important for not messing up highlights
opts = {},
-- example keymaps
init = function()
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-S-L>", require("tabs").next)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-S-H>", require("tabs").previous)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-S-CR>", require("tabs").open)
Default Configuration
opts = {
--- Width of all tabs
tab_width = 25,
--- Only show the tabline when switching tabs
autohide = false,
--- Timeout (in seconds) to un-select tab after not confirming; Set to `nil` for no timeout
timeout = 5,
--- Offsets for the tabline
offsets = {
-- Neo-tree
--- The filetype to look for for this offset
filetype = "neo-tree",
--- The title of this offset. It can be a string or a function that returns a string.
--- It will be centered in the offset, and truncated with ellipsis if it's too long.
title = function()
local has_devicons = pcall(require, "nvim-web-devicons")
if has_devicons then
return " Neo-Tree"
return "Neo-Tree"
--- Filetypes to ignore and not show tabs for
ignored = { "neo-tree" },
--- Highlight groups used by the plugin. `fg` and `bg` values can either be hex colors
--- or existing highlight group names
highlights = {
["TabsUnfocused"] = { fg = "NormalFloat", bg = "NormalFloat" },
["TabsUnfocusedClose"] = { fg = "DiagnosticError", bg = "NormalFloat" },
["TabsFocused"] = { fg = "Normal", bg = "Normal" },
["TabsFocusedClose"] = { fg = "DiagnosticError", bg = "Normal" },
["TabsSelected"] = { fg = "Type", bg = "NormalFloat", bold = true, italic = true },
["TabsSelectedClose"] = { fg = "DiagnosticError", bg = "NormalFloat" },
["TabsSeparator"] = { fg = "NonText", bg = "NormalFloat" },