A Vue3 component for Chrome-like tabs.
Drag-and-drop support provided by Draggabilly by @desandro.
Currently there is only a simple api, waiting for the completion.
If you are using Vue2, please see here. https://github.com/viewweiwu/vue-tabs-chrome
npm i vue3-tabs-chrome -S
# or
yarn add vue3-tabs-chrome -S
<vue3-tabs-chrome :tabs="tabs" v-model="tab" />
import Vue3TabsChrome from 'vue3-tabs-chrome'
import 'vue3-tabs-chrome/dist/vue3-tabs-chrome.css'
import { defineComponent, reactive, ref } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
components: {
setup() {
const tab = ref('google')
const tabs = reactive([
label: 'google',
key: 'google',
favico: require('./assets/google.jpg')
label: 'facebook',
key: 'facebook',
favico: require('./assets/fb.jpg')
label: 'New Tab',
key: 'costom key'
return {
Attributes | Description | Type | Default |
tabs | tabs configuration. Details are mentioned below. | Array | [] |
modelValue / v-model | binding value | String | - |
insert-to-after | Insert to tag's after | Boolean | false |
is-mousedown-active | set tab is active when mousedown | Boolean | true |
render-label | render label | Function(tab, index) | - |
auto-hidden-close-icon-width | auto hidden close tab width. if tabWidth < 120, close icon can not show. If you don’t want this feature, you can set the value to 0. | Number | 120 |
on-close | when tab close btn click. if return false, it cannot be closed. | Function(tab, key, index) | - |
Attributes | Description | Type | Default |
label | tab label | String | - |
key | tab key | String | - |
class | tab class | String | - |
closable | tab closable | Boolean | true |
dragable | tab dragable | Boolean | true |
swappable | tab swappable | Boolean | true |
favico | tab favico. Custom favico renderer. It uses Vue's render function. It accepts two arguments: the first is h, the second is an object. including tab and index | Function(tab, index), image src | - |
Method | Description | Parameters |
addTab | add tab | (tab1, [, ...tab, ...tabN]) |
removeTab | remove tab | (tabKey or index) |
Event Name | Description | Parameters |
click | Triggered when the user's pointer is pressed and unpressed and has not moved enough to start dragging. | (event, tab, index) |
swap | Swap tab | (tab, targetTab) |
remove | Remove tab | (tab, index) |
contextmenu | Contextmenu event | (event, tab, index) |
dragstart | Tab dragstart event | (event, tab, index) |
dragging | Tab dragstart event | (event, tab, index) |
dragend | Tab dragend event | (event, tab) |
Attributes | Description |
after | Tab after slot |
fix: dragable = false No click event is triggered. #19
fix: remove debugger trigger. #8
fix: is-mousedown-active bug. #7
feat: add TypeScript support. #PR5