This folder contains problem statements asked in coding test or virtual interview involving test cases, space time complexity, constraints, etc. Time provided to solve these questions vary from 20-60 minutes.
This folder contains HTML / DOM / CSS related problem statements asked in coding test or virtual interviews.
This folder contains one liner interview questions focusing on basic concepts like hosting, scoping, etc.
This folder contains tip and tricks which can be utilised to implement a logic faster or accelerate solving logical problems.
Install Node.js (if not already installed).
Node.js allows you to run JavaScript code outside the browser. Download and install Node.js from Node.js official website. Verify installation by running the following commands in your terminal:
node -v
npm -v
Run the Script in the Terminal
Navigate to the directory containing your JavaScript file using the cd command:
cd path/to/your/file
Run the script using Node.js:
node anagram.js
View the Output
The terminal will display the output of the function. For the provided code:
This indicates that "hello" and "elloh" are anagrams.
If you want to test other inputs, modify the console.log line or pass arguments interactively. Let me know if you need help setting up!
HTML files are loading libraries via CDN so open file directly in browser.