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Laravel Vue Semantic-UI Pagination ⚡

  • A Vue.js pagination component for Laravel paginators that works with Semantic-UI.

  • This is on GitHub so let me know if I've b0rked it somewhere, give me a star ⭐ if you like it 🍻

  • You can checkout the Demo


✅ Install 👌

npm install laravel-vue-semantic-ui-pagination
// or
yarn add laravel-vue-semantic-ui-pagination

✅ Usage 🎓

Register the component globally:

Vue.component('pagination', require('laravel-vue-semantic-ui-pagination'));

Or use locally

import pagination from 'laravel-vue-semantic-ui-pagination';

✅ Example 🍀

    <li v-for="post in" v-text="post.title"></li>
<pagination :data="laravelData" v-bind:showDisabled="true" icon="chevron" v-on:change-page="getResults"></pagination>
Vue.component('example-component', {

	data() {
		return {
			// Our data object that holds the Laravel paginator data
			laravelData: {},

	created() {
		// Fetch initial results

	methods: {
		// Our method to GET results from a Laravel endpoint
		getResults(page) {
			if (typeof page === 'undefined') {
				page = 1;

			// Using vue-resource as an example
			this.$http.get('example/results?page=' + page)
				.then(response => {
					return response.json();
				}).then(data => {
					this.laravelData = data;


✅ 📖 Props

Name Type Description
data Object An object containing the structure of a Laravel paginator response. See below for default value.
limit Number (optional) Limit of pages to be rendered. Default 0 (unlimited links) -1 will hide numeric pages and leave only arrow navigation. 3 will show 3 previous and 3 next numeric pages from current page.
showDisabled Boolean (optional) If set to true, will display left and right icons always.
icon String (optional) Default is angle double; Refer Semantic-UI Icons for specifying which icons you want.
size String (optional) Default is small; Refer Semantic-UI Menu Pagination for specifying the size of paginator.
	current_page: 1,
	data: [],
	from: 1,
	last_page: 1,
	next_page_url: null,
	per_page: 10,
	prev_page_url: null,
	to: 1,
	total: 0,

✅ 👂 Events

Name Description
change-page Triggered when a user changes page. Passes the new page index as a parameter.

NPM :octocat: