You are the core committer.
- Choose an open source project and help that project by sorting code to proper branches.
- Collect stars to make your project more popular.
allow the code blocks to hit the related branch color
destroy the blocks that do not match the branch color using your attack lasers ([SPACE])
branches change if you destroy matching blocks or a block
- when the branch changes, it lights up and the code starts flowing from a different direction
you lose health if you mismatch the code & branch colors or destroy good code blocks
when stars get to the branch, collect then with your committer
use branch teleporting ([TAB]) and 3D view ([E]) to your advantage
the game gets harder over time, be prepared!
- arrow keys - move
- q / w - < , > teleport
- TAB - clockwise tele
- SPACE - attack
- e - enter or exit 3D
- Plug in your controller, smart pressing buttons when you get into game mode (after the menus). 'Gamepad' in the bottom right corner should say 'on'
- If you can't get it to work, make sure your controller works with the HTML5 Rocks Tester. Make sure to close the tester tab, because the controller can access only one browser tab at a time
- Controllers tested: XBOX360, Logitech F310 GamePad & Attack3 Joystick, PS3.
- 2D & 3D Game Modes
- Compatible with WebGL enabled browsers (three.js support).
- Tested in Chrome & Firefox, HTML5 GamePad support in Chrome
- Top & Recent Scores
- GitHub Auth to save your game score
- 3 amazing wub wub wub music tracks (you can also turn the music off, if you are sick of the wub wub)
- Meteor (http://meteor.com)
- three.js (WebGL) (http://mrdoob.github.com/three.js/)
- Compass / SASS
- Modernizr
- Lo-dash
- jQuery
- HTML5 GamePad API
- All project names & trademarks are the property of their respective owners
- Game music used under Creative Commons License. Thanks to Flembaz (Written, produced, mixed, mastered by João Bandarra & Pedro R. Artur)
- Source Installation instructions are in