This is the backend of the admin interface, used internally @Vochabular for the creation, translation, reviewing and publishing of content.
The backend consists of two API applications that are connected to Postgres:
- Mainly used for central business logic such as presigning S3 uploads
- Has Model classes (Code first) definitions to automatically create necessary db migrations
- Uses Graphene to serve a GraphQL API endpoint
- Uses PyJWT for JWT authentication
- A stateless service running on top of postgres
- Automatically provides a GraphQL schema based on the underlaying Postgres DB
- Used for boring CRUD operations and so called
(live queries via websockets) - Used for the ACL of CRUD operations
- Consumes the Django GraphQL schema and merges into one to serve the clients a single schema
- Install python3 and virtualenv
- Create a virtualenv in the checkout:
virtualenv -p python3 .venv
- Activate the virtualenv
source .venv/bin/activate && pip install pip-tools
- Windows:
cd .venv/Scripts
, thencd ../..
- Windows:
- Install dependencies with pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
We use pip-tools for dependency management. To add a new
package, add it to
and run pip-compile
, followed by pip-sync
To upgrade all dependencies, run pip-compile --upgrade
and pip-sync
- Run local postgres:
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 --name postgres -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust postgres
- Run migrations
python vochabular/ migrate
- Run server
python vochabular/ runserver
- Create admin user
python vochabular/ createsuperuser
- Install docker and docker-compose
- Build or download and run images
docker-compose up -d
- Make sure to run the Django migrations to setup the DB:
docker exec -it vocha_admin_backend python migrate
- Make sure to create the super user:
docker exec -it vocha_admin_backend python createsuperuser
With heroku pg:pull
and heroku pg:push
you either pull the postgresql database from heroku to your local machine or push your local database to heroku:
heroku pg:pull DATABASE vochabular --app vochabular-admin
This command creates a new local database named vochabular
and then pulls data from the database at DATABASE
from the app vochabular-admin
. To prevent accidental data overwrites and loss, the local database must not already exist. You will be prompted to drop an already existing local database before proceeding.
If providing a Postgres user or password for your local DB is necessary, use the appropriate environment variables like so:
PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=password heroku pg:pull DATABASE vochabular --app vochabular-admin
pushes data from a local database into a remote Heroku Postgres database. The command looks like this:
heroku pg:push mylocaldb DATABASE --app vochabular-admin
This command takes the local database mylocaldb
and pushes it to the database at DATABASE
on the app vochabular-admin
. To prevent accidental data overwrites and loss, the remote database must be empty. You will be prompted to pg:reset
a remote database that is not empty.
Usage of the PGUSER and PGPASSWORD for your local database is also supported for pg:push
, just like for the pg:pull
query {
chapters {
mutation {
createChapter(input: {chapterData: {titleCH: "title CH", titleDE: "title DE", text: "asdf"}}) {