Ths site is use and only for use by VOGAMUSICRECORDS administrators and VOGAMUSICRECORDS administrators ONLY. We state at the bottom of the main page: By using this site, your data will NOT be stored. If you are not a member of the VOGAMUSICRECORDS Administration Team, Immediately log out of this account. Apply Here for the team.
We will never share/shell your personal ip address/device details to any third-party companys. This statement will never change with us.
As you may guess by the in our url, we use GitHub to host the website. We personally don't know how github may use your data, you can read their privacy policy here:
As we use Google to host/design the site we dont know how they will use your data. Check their privacy policy here for further information:
Google may track your information. We personally don't know how Google may use your data, you can read their privacy policy here: