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/ eth-header-sync Public archive

Utility for syncing all Ethereum headers into Postgres


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Tool for syncing Ethereum headers into a Postgres database

Table of Contents

  1. Background
  2. Install
  3. Usage
  4. Testing
  5. Contributing
  6. License


Ethereum data is natively stored in key-value databases such as leveldb (geth) and rocksdb (openethereum). Storage of Ethereum in these KV databases is optimized for scalability and ideal for the purposes of consensus, it is not necessarily ideal for use by external applications. Moving Ethereum data into a relational database can provide many advantages for downstream data consumers.

eth-header-sync validates and syncs Ethereum headers into Postgres. It syncs headers from both tail and head, at the head it maintains a validation window (default size of 15) to handle chain reorgs.

This is useful when you want a minimal baseline from which to track and hash-link targeted data on the blockchain (e.g. individual smart contract storage values or event logs). Examples of this usage are eth-contract-watcher and eth-account-watcher.

Headers are fetched from the standard eth_getBlockByNumber JSON-RPC endpoint.


  1. Dependencies
  2. Building the project
  3. Setting up the database


Building the project

Download the codebase to your local GOPATH via:

go get

Move to the project directory:

cd $GOPATH/src/

Be sure you have enabled Go Modules (export GO111MODULE=on), and build the executable with:

make build

If you need to use a different dependency than what is currently defined in go.mod, it may helpful to look into the replace directive. This instruction enables you to point at a fork or the local filesystem for dependency resolution.

If you are running into issues at this stage, ensure that GOPATH is defined in your shell. If necessary, GOPATH can be set in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile, depending upon your system. It can be additionally helpful to add $GOPATH/bin to your shell's $PATH.

Setting up the database

  1. Install Postgres

  2. Create a superuser for yourself and make sure psql --list works without prompting for a password.

  3. createdb vulcanize_public

  4. cd $GOPATH/src/

  5. Run the migrations: make migrate HOST_NAME=localhost NAME=vulcanize_public PORT=5432

    • There are optional vars USER=username and PASS=password if the database user is not the default user postgres and/or a password is present
    • To rollback a single step: make rollback NAME=vulcanize_public
    • To rollback to a certain migration: make rollback_to MIGRATION=n NAME=vulcanize_public
    • To see status of migrations: make migration_status NAME=vulcanize_public
    • See below for configuring additional environments

In some cases (such as recent Ubuntu systems), it may be necessary to overcome failures of password authentication from localhost. To allow access on Ubuntu, set localhost connections via hostname, ipv4, and ipv6 from peer/md5 to trust in: /etc/postgresql//pg_hba.conf

(It should be noted that trusted auth should only be enabled on systems without sensitive data in them: development and local test databases)


./eth-header-sync sync --config <config.toml> --starting-block-number <block-number>

The config file must be formatted as follows, and should contain an RPC path to a running Ethereum full node:

    name     = "vulcanize_public"
    hostname = "localhost"
    user     = "postgres"
    password = ""
    port     = 5432

    rpcPath  = ""


  • Replace the empty rpcPath in the environments/testing.toml with a path to a full node's eth_jsonrpc endpoint (e.g. local geth node ipc path or infura url)
    • Note: must be mainnet
    • Note: integration tests require configuration with an archival node
  • make test will run the unit tests and skip the integration tests
  • make integrationtest will run just the integration tests
  • make test and make integrationtest setup a clean vulcanize_testing db


@vulcanize @AFDudley @i-norden


Contributions are welcome!

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