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Oliver Thomas edited this page Jan 3, 2024 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the landscapes wiki!

Notes on the app


The app mostly follows the standard directory structure for all Rails apps. Here's an overview of the most important parts:

  • Gemfile - specifies the app's backend Ruby dependencies
  • package.json - specifies the app's frontend Javascript dependencies
  • /app/assets - some of the stylesheets live in here, some live elsewhere (I want to fix this)
  • /app/models, /app/views, /app/controllers - most of the backend functionality of the app is here (Rails is an MVC framework)
  • /app/jobs - contains background jobs that run on the server-side, for things like creating or extracting zip files etc.
  • /app/javascript - most of the frontend functionality lives here
  • controllers - Stimulus controllers live here
  • interactions, sources - these are OpenLayers-related
  • modelling - the flowchart-based model editor lives here
  • projects - the new map view that I'm currently working on lives here; long-term we want to merge the model editor into this
  • stylesheets - this is where the other half of the stylesheets live 😅
  • packs - this contains the Webpack entry points for the app - the main one is application.js; modelling_worker.js is a web worker that allows the model editor to be multithreaded
  • /test - the backend (Rails) test suite lives here.

We don't currently have a test suite for the frontend...


  • OpenLayers:
  • Rete.js: This one is a bit difficult to get started with, maybe check out the examples on their website?
  • React: I think the tutorial on the new Beta docs site is a good place to start because it uses the newer functional style components
  • D3: You probably have more experience with this than me! The only unusual plugin I'm using is d3-sankey, which you might want to check out if you haven't used it before
  • Typescript: This is probably better learned through experience (and I'm still new to it myself), but they do have a handbook on their website
  • Stimulus: This is a small js framework used to add little sprinkles of extra functionality in the admin tools
  • Turbolinks: You don't need to know how it works, but it's good to be aware of what it is and how it affects DOM events

GIS Concepts
