Powerful, pliable pixel perfection. An advanced Hugo theme. Try it out.

Paige is designed to put your content front and center, avoiding the typical clutter. The look is seamless and smooth, scalable and readable, portable and efficient. The layout is minimal and responsive, using verticality and white space to delineate and highlight each part of the page. The implementation is flexible and extensible. It’s a versatile canvas that serves most needs.
- Accessibility
- Atom feeds
- Authors
- Blog
- Bootstrap styles and icons
- Breadcrumbs
- Categories
- Code shortcode
- Customizable
- Dark color scheme
- Email shortcode
- Facebook sharing
- Figure shortcode
- Gallery shortcode
- Icon shortcode
- Image pixel densities
- Image shortcode
- Image size breakpoints
- Image thumbnails
- Internationalization
- Landing page
- Light color scheme
- Localizations
- Math typesetting
- Menu
- Minimal design
- Quote shortcode
- Responsive
- Right-to-left languages
- RSS feeds
- Safari and Firefox Reader View support
- Search
- Sections
- Series
- Single column
- Table of contents
- Tab shortcode
- Tags
- Title links
- Twitter sharing
- Validated with PageSpeed and Validator
- Vimeo shortcode
- YouTube shortcode
Get started by starring and watching the project.
If you find a problem or have a suggestion, please share it by creating an issue.
If you have a fix or improvement, please share it by creating a pull request.
If you make a customization or alteration, please share it by posting code or screenshots.
If you deploy a site, please share it by posting a link.
Install Hugo (the extended version, and at least v0.141.0).
For Homebrew on Mac:
$ brew install hugo
For Chocolatey on Windows:
$ choco install hugo-extended
For Snap on Linux:
$ sudo snap install hugo
For Homebrew on Mac:
$ brew install sass/sass/sass
For Chocolatey on Windows:
$ choco install sass
For Snap on Linux:
$ sudo snap install dart-sass
Create a site:
$ hugo new site yoursite
Create a post:
$ cd yoursite $ hugo new yourpost.md
Install the Paige module:
$ cd yoursite $ hugo mod init github.com/youraccount/yoursite $ hugo mod get github.com/willfaught/paige@latest
Import the Paige module:
$ cd yoursite $ cat >>hugo.toml <<EOF [[module.imports]] path = "github.com/willfaught/paige" EOF
Build and run the site:
$ cd yoursite $ hugo server -D
Update the Paige module:
$ cd yoursite $ hugo mod get github.com/willfaught/paige@latest
See Hugo's installation, getting started, and module guides for more information.
By default, everything is enabled, which is likely not what you want. See the minimal look section for ideas of what to disable.
By default, the page body spans its entire container, which spans most of the window. See the narrow look and narrow-and-wide look sections for ideas of how to customize the presentation.
The breadcrumb, collection, and section links are sufficient to browse any site, so you can safely disable the menu. However, for sites with only a handful of pages at the root level, the menu alone can be sufficient for all navigation. See the menu navigation only section for how to do that.
To change the favicon, see the override section.
To add analytics, put the code in yoursite/layouts/partials/paige/site-last.html
See the include section.
To add comments, put the code in yoursite/layouts/partials/paige/page-body-last-page.html
See the include section.
There is a single parameter object with sensible defaults that can be overridden in site or page parameters:
enable_math = false # Enables math typesetting for this page
exclude_feeds = false # Excludes this page from feeds
exclude_search = false # Excludes this page from search
style = "" # CSS included in a stylesheet for this page
message = "" # Markdown displayed before the page body for this page
type = "primary" # Bootstrap alert class for this page
disable_link = false # Disables using the link parameter for the page URL
page_link = "⏎" # Link to the page with this text if the link parameter is set and disable_link is false
authors = []
# Example:
# [[paige.feeds.atom.authors]]
# email = "[email protected]"
# name = "John Doe"
# url = "https://github.com/account/project"
icon = "" # Example: "/icon.webp"
logo = "" # Example: "/logo.webp"
managing_editor = "" # Example: "[email protected] (John Doe)"
web_master = "" # Example: "[email protected] (John Doe)"
# Content
disable_authors = false
disable_collections = false
disable_date = false
disable_description = false
disable_edit = false
disable_history = false
disable_keywords = false
disable_next = false
disable_pages = false
disable_prev = false
disable_reading_time = false
disable_sections = false
disable_series = false
disable_title = false
disable_toc = false
disable_word_count = false
# Presentation
full_width = false # Whether the page body fills the page width
# Schema
base_schema = {} # JSON-LD schema that all page schemas override
# Example:
# [paige.pages.base_schema]
# isAccessibleForFree = true
# isFamilyFriendly = true
# [paige.pages.base_schema.publisher]
# "@type" = "Organization"
# name = "John Doe"
# url = "https://example.com"
disable_auto_schema = false # Disables the automatic JSON-LD schema generation
microdata = {} # Microdata non-property attributes (all except itemprop) for the web page
# Example:
# [paige.pages.microdata]
# itemid = "foo"
# itemref = "bar"
# itemscope = ""
# itemtype = "https://schema.org/Chapter
schemas = [] # JSON-LD schemas
# Example:
# [[paige.pages.schemas]]
# "@context" = "https://schema.org"
# "@type" = "Book"
# name = "My Book"
# url = "https://example.com"
# Behavior
date_format = ":date_long" # Hugo date format
external_link_new_tab = false # Open external links in new tabs
# Content
disable_copyright = false
disable_credit = false
disable_description = false
disable_license = false
disable_title = false
# Navigation
disable_breadcrumbs = false
disable_menu = false
# Presentation
color = "#0d6efd" # Bootstrap primary color and theme color for Safari and Windows
color_scheme = "auto" # Must be "auto", "dark", or "light"
keyword_style = "text" # Must be "text" or "pills"
menu_style = "links" # Must be "links", "pills", "tabs", or "underline"
# Repository
edit_url = "" # Example: "https://github.com/account/project/edit/master/content/%s"
history_url = "" # Example: "https://github.com/account/project/commits/master/content/%s"
# Schema
base_schema = {} # JSON-LD schema that all site schemas override
# Example:
# [paige.site.base_schema]
# isAccessibleForFree = true
# isFamilyFriendly = true
# [paige.site.base_schema.publisher]
# "@type" = "Organization"
# name = "John Doe"
# url = "https://example.com"
schemas = [] # JSON-LD schemas
# Example:
# [[paige.site.schemas]]
# "@context" = "https://schema.org"
# "@type" = "Organization"
# name = "Acme"
# url = "https://example.com"
# Values
credit = '<a class="link-secondary text-decoration-none" href="https://github.com/willfaught/paige">Paige Theme</a>'
description = "" # Site description. Appears above the menu and below the site title. Used in feeds.
license = "" # Example: "CC BY 4.0 License"
disable_authors = false
disable_date = false
disable_description = false
disable_keywords = false
disable_reading_time = false
disable_series = false
disable_summary = false
disable_title = false
disable_word_count = false
The parameter object is accessed in site parameters as [params.paige]
, and in page parameters as [paige]
The assigned values shown are the default values unless otherwise specified.
Parameters specific to pages:
link = "" # The reference for an anchor around the title. Example: "https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ".
The assigned values shown are the default values.
Parameters specific to author term pages (if the "authors" taxonomy is configured):
email = "" # Example: "[email protected]"
name = "" # Example: "John Doe"
url = "" # Example: "https://example.com"
The assigned values shown are the default values.
Parameters specific to menus:
disabled = false
divider_above = false
divider_below = false
header_above = "" # Example: "My Header"
header_below = "" # Example: "My Other Header"
The assigned values shown are the default values.
The menu can be configured using the main
The active menu item has a URL that is a prefix of the path of the current page.
A menu item with the URL /
only matches a /
If you intend for the menu to be sufficient for all navigation, see how to hide other navigation features.
Support for authors, categories, series, and tags taxonomies is built in.
Set default
to true
in the front matter of an author term page for that author to be credited in regular pages that have no authors parameter.
A default author must be referenced at least once explicitly in a regular page.
To disable the rendering of author pages, add this to yoursite/hugo.toml
path = "{/authors,/authors/**}"
render = "never"
The email
and url
parameters in the front matter of an author term page are used in feeds if present.
The "author", "description", and "keywords" meta tags are generated from the page parameters. The keywords are the page parameters "keywords", "categories", and "tags".
A JSON-LD script is generated from the page parameters,
which can be disabled with paige.pages.disable_auto_schema
Arbitrary schemas can be specified for the site with paige.site.schemas
or for pages with paige.pages.schemas
, at the site or page level.
A base schema can be specified for site schemas with paige.site.base_schema
and for page schemas with paige.pages.base_schema
HTML microdata is generated from the page parameters
if the non-property attributes are specified in paige.pages.microdata
The paige/cloud
layout provides a link cloud for subpages.
Example configuration in yoursite/content/tags/_index.md
layout = "paige/cloud"
The paige/search
layout provides a search page.
Example configuration in yoursite/hugo.toml
home = ["atom", "html", "paige-search", "rss"]
Example configuration in yoursite/content/search.md
layout = "paige/search"
title = "Search"
The paige/code
shortcode provides highlighted code.
- Optional. Position 0. String. Chroma language code. Default is
. options
- Optional. String. Hugo highlight options.
- Optional. Boolean. Whether to reverse the HTML escaping in the body. Useful for when the request shortcode is used in the body.
Body: Required. String. The code.
The paige/email
shortcode hides e-mail addresses from robots.
- Required. Position 0. String. The e-mail address.
Body: Required. String. Markdown. The content.
The paige/figure
shortcode provides a figure.
- Optional. Position 0. String. Markdown. Descriptive text below the content.
- Optional. String. Float to one side of its container. Must be
. height
- Optional. String. CSS value. Total height.
- Optional. String. Horizontal alignment. Must be
, or"end"
. Default is"center"
. maxwidth
- Optional. String. CSS value. Maximum total width.
- Optional. Integer or string. Figure number. Displayed with the caption.
- Optional. Boolean. Number the figure automatically. Displayed with the caption.
- Optional. String. Vertical alignment. Must be
, or"end"
. Default is"center"
. width
- Optional. String. CSS value. Total width.
Body: Required. String. Markdown. The content.
The paige/gallery
shortcode provides an arrangement of images.
- Optional. String. Cross axis alignment. Must be
, or"stretch"
. breakpoints
- Optional. Boolean. Whether to generate copies of the image sized to each Bootstrap breakpoint. Must not use with
. Only applies to raster images. class
- Optional. String. Image class. Merged with implementation classes.
- Optional. String. Float numbers suffixed with an "x", delimited by spaces. The pixel densities of the image to generate. There must be at least two. The largest density matches the original image. Examples are
"1x 2x"
,"1x 1.5x 2x 2.5x 3x"
, and"0.5x 1.33x 6x 10x"
. Must not use withbreakpoints
. Only applies to raster images. fetchpriority
- Optional. String. Must be
. height
- Optional. String. CSS value. Image height.
- Optional. Position 0. String. Page, site, or remote images glob. Default is all image page resources.
- Optional. String. Main axis space distribution. Must be
, or"start"
. linked
- Optional. Boolean or string. Wraps the image in an anchor. If it is a string, it is Hugo image processing methods and options, mixed together, for the linked image. If no method is specified, resize is used. If no image dimensions are specified, the originals are used. If it is
, the default options are used. If it is a Boolean, it is unprocessed. Must be a Boolean for vector images. loading
- Optional. String. Must be
(default) or"lazy"
. maxheight
- Optional. String. CSS value. Maximum image height.
- Optional. String. CSS value. Maximum image width.
- Optional. String. Hugo image processing methods and options, mixed together, for the displayed image. If no method is specified, resize is used. If no image dimensions are specified, the originals are used. If it is
, the default options are used. Only applies to raster images. style
- Optional. String. CSS. Image style. Merged with implementation styles.
- Optional. String. Type of layout. Must be
(default). width
- Optional. String. CSS value. Image width.
Body: Optional. String. HTML. The images.
The paige/icon
shortcode provides a web font icon.
- Required. Position 0. String. Container class. Example:
"bi bi-github"
. title
- Optional. String. The screen reader description and anchor title. Example:
. url
- Optional. String. URL. Example:
. E-mails in URLs with amailto:
scheme are protected from web crawlers.
Body: None.
The paige/image
shortcode provides an image.
- Optional. String. Plain text. Image alt.
- Optional. Boolean. Whether to generate copies of the image sized to each Bootstrap breakpoint. Must not use with
, orsrcset
. Only applies to raster images. class
- Optional. String. Class attribute value.
- Optional. String. Float numbers suffixed with an "x", delimited by spaces. The pixel densities of the image to generate. There must be at least two. The largest density matches the original image. Examples are
"1x 2x"
,"1x 1.5x 2x 2.5x 3x"
, and"0.5x 1.33x 6x 10x"
. Must not use withbreakpoints
, orsrcset
. Only applies to raster images. fetchpriority
- Optional. String. Must be
. height
- Optional. String. CSS value. Image height.
- Optional. String. URL. Image link. Must not use with
. linked
- Optional. Boolean or string. Wraps the image in an anchor. If it is a string, it is Hugo image processing methods and options, mixed together, for the linked image. If no method is specified, resize is used. If no image dimensions are specified, the originals are used. If it is
, the default options are used. If it is a Boolean, it is unprocessed. Must be a Boolean for vector images. Must not use withlink
. loading
- Optional. String. Must be
(default) or"lazy"
. maxheight
- Optional. String. CSS value. Image maximum height.
- Optional. String. CSS value. Image maximum width.
- Optional. String. Hugo image processing methods and options, mixed together, for the displayed image. If no method is specified, resize is used. If no image dimensions are specified, the originals are used. If it is
, the default options are used. Only applies to raster images. sizes
- Optional. String. Image sizes. Must not use with
. src
- Required. Position 0. String. URL. Image source.
- Optional. String. Image srcset. Must not use with
. style
- Optional. String. CSS. Image style. Merged with implementation styles.
- Optional. String. Plain text. Image title.
- Optional. String. CSS value. Image width.
Body: None.
The paige/quote
shortcode provides a quotation.
- Optional. String. Markdown. Citation.
Body: Required. String. Markdown. The quotation.
The paige/request
shortcode provides the content for a URL.
- Optional. String. HTTP method. Default is
. url
- Required. String. URL.
Body: None.
The paige/tabs
shortcode provides tab buttons and tab panes.
It must contain one paige/tabs/buttons
shortcode, and then one paige/tabs/panes
Parameters: None.
Body: Required. String. HTML. The tab buttons and tab panes.
The paige/tabs/buttons
shortcode provides tab buttons.
It must contain one or more paige/tabs/button
Each paige/tabs/button
shortcode corresponds to the paige/tabs/pane
shortcode in the same position.
Parameters: None.
Body: Required. String. HTML. The tab buttons.
The paige/tabs/button
shortcode provides a tab button.
Parameters: None.
Body: Required. String. Markdown. The tab button content.
The paige/tabs/panes
shortcode provides tab panes.
It must contain one or more paige/tabs/pane
Each paige/tabs/pane
shortcode corresponds to the paige/tabs/button
shortcode in the same position.
Parameters: None.
Body: Required. String. HTML. The tab panes.
The paige/tabs/pane
shortcode provides a tab pane.
Parameters: None.
Body: Required. String. Markdown. The tab pane content.
The paige/vimeo
shortcode provides a Vimeo video.
- Optional. Boolean. Enable playing more than one Vimeo video on the same page. Default is
. autoplay
- Optional. Boolean. Autoplay the video. Default is
. background
- Optional. Boolean. Autoplay the video. Hide the controls. Loop the video. Mute the video. Default is
. byline
- Optional. Boolean. Show the author. Default is configured per video.
- Optional. String. Hex code. Control color. Default is
. controls
- Optional. Boolean. Show the controls. Default is
. description
- Optional. String. Plain text. Screen reader content. Default is
"Vimeo video"
. dnt
- Optional. Boolean. Do not track session data. Default is
. fullscreen
- Optional. Boolean. Enable full screen. Default is
. height
- Optional. String. CSS value. Video height.
- Optional. Boolean. Enable keyboard input. Default is
. loop
- Optional. Boolean. Loop the video. Default is
. maxheight
- Optional. String. CSS value. Video maximum height.
- Optional. String. CSS value. Video maximum width.
- Optional. Boolean. Mute the video. Default is
. pip
- Optional. Boolean. Show the picture-in-picture control. Default is
. playsinline
- Optional. Boolean. Play inline instead of full screen on mobile devices. Default is
. portrait
- Optional. Boolean. Show the author's profile image. Default is configured per video.
- Optional. String. The resolution. Must be
, or"4k"
. Default is"auto"
. speed
- Optional. Boolean. Show the speed controls. Default is
. texttrack
- Optional. String. Language code and optionally a locale code (e.g.
). Use the corresponding subtitles. Default isfalse
. time
- Optional. String. Duration (e.g.
). Start time. Default is"0m"
. title
- Optional. Boolean. Show the title. Default is configured per video.
- Optional. Boolean. Use a transparent background instead of a black one. Default is
. video
- Optional. Position 0. String. Video ID.
- Optional. String. CSS value. Video width.
Body: None.
See Vimeo documentation for more detail.
The paige/youtube
shortcode provides a YouTube video.
- Optional. Boolean. Automatically play the video.
- Optional. Boolean. Show video controls. Default is
. description
- Optional. String. Plain text. Screen reader content. Default is
"YouTube video"
. end
- Optional. Integer. Elapsed seconds. Stop the video here.
- Optional. Boolean. Enable full screen. Default is
. height
- Optional. String. CSS value. Video height.
- Optional. String. Playlist ID.
- Optional. Boolean. Loop the video.
- Optional. String. CSS value. Video maximum height.
- Optional. String. CSS value. Video maximum width.
- Optional. Boolean. Mute the video.
- Optional. Integer. Elapsed seconds. Start the video here.
- Optional. Position 0. String. Video ID.
- Optional. String. CSS value. Video width.
Body: None.
Files can be included in many places in HTML.
If this file exists in your site | It is included at |
layouts/partials/paige/body-first.html |
The beginning of the body |
layouts/partials/paige/body-last.html |
The ending of the body |
layouts/partials/paige/head-first.html |
The beginning of the head |
layouts/partials/paige/head-last.html |
The ending of the head |
layouts/partials/paige/page-body-first.html |
The beginning of the page body |
layouts/partials/paige/page-body-last.html |
The ending of the page body |
layouts/partials/paige/page-first.html |
The beginning of the page |
layouts/partials/paige/page-footer-first.html |
The beginning of the page footer |
layouts/partials/paige/page-footer-last.html |
The ending of the page footer |
layouts/partials/paige/page-header-first.html |
The beginning of the page header |
layouts/partials/paige/page-header-last.html |
The ending of the page header |
layouts/partials/paige/page-last.html |
The ending of the page |
layouts/partials/paige/site-first.html |
The beginning of the site |
layouts/partials/paige/site-footer-first.html |
The beginning of the site footer |
layouts/partials/paige/site-footer-last.html |
The ending of the site footer |
layouts/partials/paige/site-header-first.html |
The beginning of the site header |
layouts/partials/paige/site-header-last.html |
The ending of the site header |
layouts/partials/paige/site-last.html |
The ending of the site |
There are kind variants of include files that are included only when the file kind matches the page kind.
If this file exists in your site | It is included when |
layouts/partials/paige/[PLACE]-home.html |
The page kind is "home" |
layouts/partials/paige/[PLACE]-page.html |
The page kind is "page" |
layouts/partials/paige/[PLACE]-section.html |
The page kind is "section" |
layouts/partials/paige/[PLACE]-taxonomy.html |
The page kind is "taxonomy" |
layouts/partials/paige/[PLACE]-term.html |
The page kind is "term" |
Above, the place placeholder must be "body-first", "body-last", "head-first", etc.
Kind variants are included right after their counterpart non-kind variant.
The argument for the templates is the page.
Most code is in partial templates that the layout templates use. Code can be added, changed, or removed easily by overriding the corresponding layout or partial template.
For example, layouts/_default/list.html
and layouts/_default/single.html
include layouts/partial/paige/page.html
includes layouts/partial/paige/page-header.html
To change the page title for those layout templates, change layouts/partial/paige/page-header.html
To change the page title for layouts/_default/single.html
replace the inclusion of layouts/partial/paige/page.html
in layouts/_default/single.html
with its content,
then in that, replace the inclusion of layouts/partial/paige/page-header.html
with its content,
then in that, change the page title.
To change the favicon, override these files:
You can generate these favicon files here.
To change the syntax highlighting styles, override these files with your own:
Use CSS selectors to extend the default styling.
Page identifiers:
- The page alert.
- The page authors.
- The page collections.
- The page collections header.
- The page content.
- The page date.
- The page description.
- The page edit link.
- The container of the page edit and history links.
- The page footer that contains the page edit, history, next, and previous links.
- The page header that contains the page metadata and table of contents.
- The page history link.
- The page keywords.
- The page next link.
- The page pages.
- The page pages header.
- The pagination of subpages.
- The page previous link.
- The page reading time.
- The page sections.
- The page sections header.
- The page series.
- The container of the page next and previous links.
- The page title.
- The page table of contents.
- The page word count.
Site identifiers:
- The site breadcrumbs.
- The site copyright.
- The site credit.
- The site description.
- The site footer that contains the site copyright, license, and credit.
- The site header that contains the site title, description, menu, and breadcrumbs.
- The site license.
- The site menu.
- The site title.
Page classes:
- A page category keyword.
- A page tag keyword.
- The page keywords.
Subpage classes:
- A page.
- The page authors.
- The page date.
- The page description.
- The page reading time.
- The page series.
- The page summary.
- The page title.
- The page word count.
Page kind classes:
- The container of pages with kind "home".
- The container of pages with kind "section".
- The container of pages with kind "page".
- The container of pages with kind "taxonomy".
- The container of pages with kind "term".
Page status classes:
- The container of draft pages.
- The container of expired pages.
- The container of future pages.
- The container of modified pages.
- The container of published pages.
- The container of unpublished pages.
Shortcode classes:
- The container of
shortcodes. .paige-shortcode-email
- The container of
shortcodes. .paige-shortcode-figure
- The container of
shortcodes. .paige-shortcode-gallery
- The container of
shortcodes. .paige-shortcode-icon
- The container of
shortcodes. .paige-shortcode-image
- The container of
shortcodes. .paige-shortcode-quote
- The container of
shortcodes. .paige-shortcode-vimeo
- The container of
shortcodes. .paige-shortcode-youtube
- The container of
By default, everything is shown.
If you want a more minimal look,
try the following in yoursite/hugo.toml
disable_authors = true
disable_date = true
disable_keywords = true
disable_next = true
disable_prev = true
disable_reading_time = true
disable_series = true
disable_toc = true
disable_word_count = true
disable_authors = true
disable_date = true
disable_keywords = true
disable_reading_time = true
disable_series = true
disable_summary = true
disable_word_count = true
By default, the content expands to fill the whole window.
This can result in very long lines, depending on the window width.
To use the recommended line length of 66 characters (40rem),
try the following in yoursite/hugo.toml
style = """
#paige-page-content > * { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 40rem; }
By default, the content expands to fill the whole window.
This can result in very long lines, depending on the window width.
To use the recommended line length of 66 characters (40rem)
for all content except media,
try the following in yoursite/hugo.toml
style = """
#paige-page-content > * { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 40rem; }
#paige-page-content > img,
#paige-page-content > .paige-shortcode-image,
#paige-page-content > .paige-shortcode-vimeo,
#paige-page-content > .paige-shortcode-youtube { max-width: 100%; }
If you configure a menu, and intend for it to be sufficient for all navigation, you should hide the breadcrumbs on every page, and hide the collection, section, and page lists on the home page if you use the default home page layout.
To hide the breadcrumbs on every page,
try the following in yoursite/hugo.toml
disable_breadcrumbs = true
To hide the collection, section, and page lists on the home page,
try the following in yoursite/content/_index.md
disable_collections = true
disable_pages = true
disable_sections = true
- Photos by Lanty
- Photo by Sergey Pesterev
Copyright 2022 Will Faught. Licensed under the EUPL. Hosted at https://github.com/willfaught/paige.