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A fully customizable web chat implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL which integrates nicely with common forum systems like phpBB, MyBB, FluxBB, SMF and vBulletin. A Flash and Ruby based socket connection can be used to boost performance.


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Blueimp's AJAX Chat

forked from Frug/AJAX-Chat Branch: psr-4



Since Frug has not been active for months, I have created this repository. Should he become active again, I will transfer changes from here to his repository. The psr-4 branch is version 0.9.0 according to the change log. I will not assign a new version number so that if Frug becomes active again, there will be no confusion.

There will only be changes for the standalone version. Integration into existing authentication systems is not discussed here.


If you do not want to use Composer, you can use the autoloader from the bootstrap directory. This autoloader is equivalent to PSR-4.

Open public/index.php and public/install.php and change:

with Composer:

// Include Class libraries:
// if you don't want to use Composer then commented without // the autoloader to vendor and use the bootstrap to bootstrap

// with Composer

// without Composer. Autoloader is equivalent to PSR-4
// require(AJAX_CHAT_PATH.'bootstrap/autoload.php');

without Composer:

// Include Class libraries:
// if you don't want to use Composer then commented without // the autoloader to vendor and use the bootstrap to bootstrap

// with Composer
// require(AJAX_CHAT_PATH.'vendor/autoload.php');

// without Composer. Autoloader is equivalent to PSR-4


Create a file and save it as .htaccess and then add it to the respective directory.

for root directory (you may have to add RewriteBase depending on the server configuration)

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	RewriteEngine On
	# Uncomment the statement below if URL rewriting doesn't
	# work properly. If you installed AjaxChat in a subdirectory
	# of your site, properly set the argument for the statement.
	# e.g.: if your domain is and you installed AjaxChat
	# in you have to set
	# the statement RewriteBase /chat/
	#RewriteBase /
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^public
	RewriteRule ^(.*)$ public/$1 [L]

for public directory

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	<IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
		Options -MultiViews -Indexes

	RewriteEngine On

	# Handle Authorization Header
	RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} .
	RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

	# Redirect Trailing Slashes If Not A Folder...
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (.+)/$
	RewriteRule ^ %1 [L,R=301]

	# Send Requests To Front Controller...
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
	RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]


AJAX stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML". The AJAX Chat clients (the user browsers) use JavaScript to query the web server for updates. Instead of delivering a complete HTML page only updated data is sent in XML format.

By using JavaScript the chat page can be updated without having to reload the whole page.


Server-Side Client-Side
PHP >= 7* Enabled JavaScript
MySQL >= 4 Enabled Cookies
Ruby >= 1.8 (optional) Flash Plugin >= 9 (optional)

* For PHP 5 support use a release older than 0.9


  • Easy installation
  • Usable as shoutbox
  • Multiple channels
  • Private messaging
  • Private channels
  • Invitation system
  • Kick/Ban or Ignore offending Users
  • Online users list with user menu
  • Emoticons/Smilies
  • Easy way to add custom emoticons
  • BBCode support
  • Optional Flash based sound support
  • Optional visual update information (changing window title)
  • Clickable Hyperlinks
  • Splitting of long words to preserve chat layout
  • Flood control
  • Possibility to delete messages inside the chat
  • IRC style commands
  • Easy interface to add custom commands
  • Possibility to define opening hours for the chat
  • Possibility to enable/disable guest users
  • Persistent client-side settings
  • Multiple languages (auto-detection of ACCEPT_LANGUAGE browser setting)
  • Multiple styles with easy layout customization through stylesheets (CSS) and templates
  • Automatic adjustment of displayed time to local client timezone
  • Standards compliance (XHTML 1.0 strict)
  • Accepts any text input, including code and special characters
  • Multiline input field with the possibility to enter line breaks
  • Message length counter
  • Realtime monitoring and logs viewer
  • Support for unicode (UTF-8) and non-unicode content types
  • Bandwidth saving update calls (only updated data is sent)
  • Optional support to push updates over a Flash based socket connection (increased performance and responsiveness)
  • Survives connection timeouts
  • Easy integration into existing authentication systems
  • (Sample phpBB3, MyBB, PunBB, SMF and vBulletin integrations available) not used in this repository
  • Separation of layout and code
  • Well commented Source Code
  • Developed with Security as integral part - built to prevent Code injections, SQL injections, Cross-site scripting (XSS), Session stealing and other attacks


Essential documentation is contained in the attached readme files

For more documentation consult the github wiki:

For support questions use google groups:!forum/ajax-chat

To report bugs use github issues:

Planned changes in this repository

  • Remove old burdens. Old things are easy to attack. Flashplayer is no longer available. And therefore Flashplayer and Socket Server should be removed.
  • PDO DatabaseConnect
  • Slovak language - updated and translated strings => Frug/AJAX-Chat#275

Changes in this repository


  • New readme-en.html, essential documentation in english
  • New readme-de.html, essential documentation in german
  • Fixed Shoutbox
  • Fixed Moderator can see the link to Chat Logs
  • Fixed Missing config for Custom Integration in src/config.php


  • New: Cookie Samesite
    • New setting in src/config.php "$config['sessioncookieSamesite']". Default set "Lax"
    • New setting in public/js/config.js "cookieSamesite". Default set "Lax"
  • New: Set Cookies after login and delete Cookies after logout


  • New: Optional use Composer
  • Fixed: Issue Typing errors mo3
  • Fixed: Deprecated elements in Javascript
  • Fixed: Chat Logs (www.your.domain.self/?view=logs), new Layout, fixed Logout, added Button return to chat
  • New: Language strings:
    • public/js/lang/*.js "userMenuLogsview: 'Switch to the chat protocol',"
    • src/lang/*.php "$lang['returnToChat'] = 'Return to chat';" Translators of your language have yet to add this. In english and german it is inserted

(* your language)


A fully customizable web chat implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL which integrates nicely with common forum systems like phpBB, MyBB, FluxBB, SMF and vBulletin. A Flash and Ruby based socket connection can be used to boost performance.








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