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Mini apps UI Kit repo

Getting Started

# Install dependencies
pnpm install
# Run Storybook in dev mode
pnpm dev:sb
# Run Next.js example app in dev mode without hot reload
pnpm dev
# Build components library for production
pnpm build
# Build Storybook for production
pnpm build:sb
# Preview built Storybook in production mode (after pnpm build:storybook)
pnpm preview:sb

Files Structure

  • packages/@mini-apps-ui-kit-react: React components library
  • packages/@mini-apps-ui-kit-react/src/components: React components, make sure every component has it's own index.ts file
  • packages/@mini-apps-ui-kit-react/stories: Storybook stories


We use changesets to manage our versioning and changelogs. To contribute to this repository, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature)
  3. Make your changes
  4. Run pnpm changeset to create a changeset that describes your changes
    • This will prompt you to:
      • Select which packages you want to release
      • Choose the type of version bump (major, minor, patch)
      • Provide a summary of the changes
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature)
  7. Open a Pull Request

Make sure to:

  • Follow the existing code style
  • Update documentation as needed
  • Add tests if applicable
  • Include a changeset with your changes

Version Management

Version management is handled by the repository's CODEOWNERS. They are responsible for:

  • Reviewing and approving version bumps
  • Managing the release process
  • Ensuring changesets are properly created and maintained
  • Publishing new versions of the packages

Only CODEOWNERS have the authority to merge version-related changes and execute releases.


No releases published


No packages published
