- 基于浏览器缓存机制的JS投毒攻击(XHJ)2017
- 浅析浏览器缓存机制(XHJ)2017
- 域名前置技术概述(XHJ) 2017
- 基于网络欺骗与浏览器指纹的WEB攻击溯源(XHJ) 2020
- 浅析恶意软件通信技术: 基于DoH的C2信道(XHJ) 2021
- 基于追踪标记的WAF设计思路(XHJ) 2022
- Poster: Identify and Track Web Attacker Based on Deceptive Technology and Browser Fingerprint. // IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P'17) 2017
- Poster: Construction of Botnet C&C Channel Based on Domain Fronting. // IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P'18) 2018
- Study on Advanced Botnet based on Publicly Available Resources. // International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS'18) 2018
- 公共资源型僵尸网络机理与防御技术研究(毕设)2018