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Development Roadmap

Matt Newville edited this page Mar 13, 2025 · 4 revisions

Larch Development Roadmap

Revising the public wiki for development topics

2025-Feb-28 meeting notes

  1. Larix tasks related to pre-edge/normalization

    • add: plot multiple spectra with energy relative to E0 (#563)
    • add: read in data as normalized data, do not re-do normalization
    • add: option to normalize by area, and an option to normalize by "max-min" (#531)
  2. Python/Larix Data Groups (#552)

    • create and use XASGroup that acts more object-like, with "xafs functions" knowing how to treat it (ie, check for XASGroup type, then check for the looser "first argument group")
    • XASGroup needs a MODE (trans, total fluor yield, partial/energy-dispersive fluorescence, HERFD, calculation, etc), settable at read time, or later. The pre-edge/normalization (and maybe other) "XAFS" functions may want to use this to modify defaults or methods used. Notably, the normalization method might depend on MODE.
    • Mode should be available to set on "read column file", but also sett-able from the Normalization page.
  3. Larix Group Browser:

    • consider making this a tree structure
    • explore options for a better wx Shell/Browser interface.
  4. Unzoom bugs:

    • for some dialogs ("rebin"?), unzoom and "unzoom all" seem weird or wrong or something. (#559)
  5. User survey:

    • construct and send a user survey about Larix and usage of Python/Larch. Aim for conference poster.

Meeting with S Kelly 13-March:

  1. normalization panel: allow selecting a new group to NOT always update the plot to the individual group.

  2. exafs panel: plot un-normalized mu + bkg

  3. copy group should go just below copied group

  4. mback normalization not plotting: copy group, select mback, then plot with the original (polynomial-only) group.

Both swap "plot one" and "plot selected"... allow

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