This script will help you prepare yourself to FIIT final exams.
git clone
cd IAU-Old-Tests-Script
Select mode:
- 1: Sequential (Question 1 to 170)
- 2: Random (All question but shuffled)
- 3: 30 Questions Test (Random 30 questions)
- 4: Select where you want to start (if you want to split questions for different days)
- 5: Train 30 Questions with Most Wrong Answers
Question will guide you how to answer:
[?] 1. Convolutional Neural Network can be trained mainly as a supervised learning.:
> [X] a) Áno
[ ] b) Nie
To get point you have to answer with right arrow on the correct option.
[?] 2. Among the following, which one are hyperparameters:
[X] a) number of layers in the neural network
[X] b) learning rate α (alpha)
[X] c) size(s) of hidden layers
> [X] d) number of iterations
To get point you have to answer with right arrow on the all correct options.
[?] 7. Assign to the correct group (Singular Value Decomposition / Distributional Semantics). Select only SVD ...:
> [ ] a) Truncated SVD
[ ] b) Word Embeddings
[ ] c) CBOW
[ ] d) Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
[ ] e) Skip-Gram
[ ] f) Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)
If you have to connect term and option, in the end of the question, there is what you should select. In this case only SVD.
DISCLAIMER: There might be typos or errors in the answers. If you find some, let me know in Issues section.