Project Overview This repository implements the Enhanced Chen chaotic map, useful in cryptographic systems and random number generation. It models a chaotic system with adjustable parameters for diverse applications.
Features Mathematical Modeling: Simulates the Enhanced Chen chaotic system using Python. Cryptographic Applications: Generates pseudo-random sequences for secure communication. Parameter Tuning: Explore the sensitivity of the system by modifying parameters.
Use Cases Encryption Systems: Use chaotic sequences for secure key generation and data encryption. Random Number Generation: Implement in scenarios requiring high entropy. Chaos Research: Analyze the properties of chaotic systems for academic or practical applications.
Setup Instructions Prerequisites: Python 3.x installed on your system. Install dependencies: bash Copy code: pip install -r requirements.txt
Steps: Clone the repository: bash Copy code: git clone Run the provided scripts to: Generate chaotic sequences. Test parameter sensitivity. Visualize outputs using libraries like matplotlib.
Testing: Modify parameters in the code to observe changes in chaotic behavior. Compare generated outputs to evaluate entropy and randomness.
File Structure src/: Python scripts for chaos generation and analysis. examples/: Sample use cases for encryption and random number generation. docs/: Theoretical background and system equations.
Contribution Guidelines Report issues or contribute enhancements through the repository’s Issues tab. Submit pull requests with documented changes.