golang 将二维码图片输出到控制台显示
Parse QR code pictures or Base64 data, and then output to the console.
- 为什么有这个库?
- Why is there this library?
- 写爬虫的时候,遇到需要扫二维码的场景,控制台可以输出,然后直接扫码。
- When writing a crawler, you need to scan the QR code. The console can output it, and then scan the code directly.
go get github.com/yantao1995/qrcode2console
qr, err := qrcode2console.NewQrcodeFromBase64("base64")
if err != nil {
qr.SetBound(1) //不设置外边框将使用原外框的最小边的缩放比例 //If the outer frame is not set, the scale of the smallest edge of the original outer frame will be used
qr, err := qrcode2console.NewQrcodeFromPath("filePath")
if err != nil {
qr.SetBound(1) //不设置外边框将使用原外框的最小边的缩放比例 //If the outer frame is not set, the scale of the smallest edge of the original outer frame will be used