provides age-encrypted secrets for NixOS systems which live in the Nix store
and are decrypted on system activation. Using ragenix
to create, edit and rekey secrets
is possible on any system which has Nix installed—with particular support for NixOS and macOS.
is a drop-in replacement for @ryantm's
written in Rust. It aims at being fully compatible
with its flake while offering more robust command line parsing, additional validation logic,
plugin support, shell completions, and solid tests.
As opposed to agenix
, ragenix
only strives for supporting Nix Flakes.
As ragenix
seeks to replace agenix
without breaking compatibility, getting started with age-encrypted
secrets or switching from agenix
to ragenix
is easy: just follow the original instructions from agenix
while replacing references to
with github.com/yaxitech/ragenix
. Everything else should remain the
same as the ragenix
package provides aliases for a) an agenix
package and b) the agenix
The flake also exposes a NixOS and Darwin module which is passed through from the agenix
resembles the command line options and behavior of agenix
For the full documentation, read the ragenix(1) man page.
ragenix [OPTIONS] <--edit <FILE>|--rekey|--schema>
-e, --edit <FILE> edits the age-encrypted FILE using $EDITOR
--editor <EDITOR> editor to use when editing FILE [env: EDITOR=vim]
-h, --help Print help information
-i, --identity <PRIVATE_KEY>... private key to use when decrypting
-r, --rekey re-encrypts all secrets with specified recipients
--rules <RULES> path to Nix file specifying recipient public keys [env:
RULES=] [default: ./secrets.nix]
-s, --schema Prints the JSON schema Agenix rules have to conform to
-v, --verbose verbose output
-V, --version Print version information
The ragenix
package also provides shell completions for bash
, zsh
, and fish
. Make sure to install the package with either nix profile install github:yaxitech/ragenix
, environment.systemPackages
on NixOS or home.packages
for home-manager.
We'd love to see PRs from you! Please consider the following guidelines:
stays compatible toagenix
. Please make sure your contributions don't introduce breaking changes.- The secrets configuration happens through a Nix configuration.
- New features should support both NixOS and macOS, if applicable.
- Update the manpage, if necessary
The CI invokes nix flake check
. Some of the checks invoke nix
To allow those tests to run nix
, you have to enable the recursive-nix
On NixOS, you can put the following snippet into your configuration.nix
nix = {
extraOptions = ''
experimental-features = nix-command flakes recursive-nix
systemFeatures = [ "recursive-nix" ];
The agenix-cli
project is quite similar to ragenix. In fact, it
served as an inspiration (thanks!). Both projects have in common that they aim
at replacing the fragile shell script with a version written in Rust. In contrast to ragenix
, however,
is not compatible to the original agenix
. It uses a TOML configuration file to declare rules
on a repository level (similar to .sops.yaml
). While having a global rules file might be
useful for some (particularly if you're looking to switch from sops-nix
), we wanted to continue to define our rules using Nix expressions which
reside in different directories.