sud OR solution updater updates solutions by running the command on the file in the given repositories.
Repositories are space separated list of directories or github repository URLs.
A repository can be one of the following:
- A directory on your file system such as ~/repos/my-solution-dir
- A url to github repository such as
- A wildcard such as* that will be expanded to matched repositories
For example:
sud replace default/km/*.json \
--value "\"yext/atm\"" \
--path /primaryEntityType \
"*" \
will make the change in the matching files in all the matching repositories and push to github.
Note: To avoid bash expansions, please quote the arguments. To consider bash expansions, please keep the arguments with wildcards unquoted.
Usage: sud [command]
Available Commands: add adds a file, or a path in a file, in the given list of repositories help Help about any command move moves a file, or a path in a file, in the given list of repositories remove removes a file, or a path in a file, in the given list of repositories rename renames a file, or a path in a file, in the given list of repositories replace replaces a file, or a path in a file, in the given list of repositories
Flags: -h, --help help for sud --push Whether to push the repo to github
Use "sud [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Sud requires Mac OS or Go 1.7 or higher.
brew install yext/tap/sud
go get
To update an existing install to the latest version of Sud, run:
brew upgrade yext/tap/sud
go get -u
Please make sure you have access to push to the repositories you are trying to update using Sud. To update Github repos in specific orgs, you may need to create a personal token that has permissions to push to the repos:
sud rename --help Renames a file, or a path in a file, in the given repositories:
Renames the given file in all the given repositories, if the file is present. Renames within a file if the path flag is provided.
Renaming a File:
sud rename dependencies.json \
--value foo.json \
will rename dependencies.json to foo.json in all ~/repos/ans* directories.
Renaming a Path:
sud rename km/*/*.json \
--path /apiName \
--value "\$id" \
will replace "apiName" with "$id" in km//.json files in all ~/repos/ans* directories:
{ "apiName": "123" } => { "$id": "123" }
Usage: sud rename FILE_PATH DIRs... [flags]
Flags: -h, --help help for rename -p, --path string The path to the json pointer in the file as per -v, --value string The desired value
Global Flags: --push Whether to push the repo to github
Moves a file, or a path in a file, in the given repositories :
Moves the given file in all the given repositories, if the file is present. Moves within a file if the path flag is provided.
Moving a File:
sud move km/entity-type/atm.json \
--value km/entity-type-extension/atm.json \
~/repos/ans150-front-end-overview \
will move km/entity-type/atm.json to km/entity-type-extension/atm.json in the ans150-front-end-overview repo as well as any kg* repos.
Moving within a File:
sud move \
--path /a/b/c \
--value /a/d \
will move the JSON element specified by the JSON pointer /a/b/c to /a/d in the provided directories:
{ "a": { "b": { ... c: {...} } } }
{ "a": { "b": { ... }, "d:" {...} } }
Usage: sud move FILE_PATH DIRs... [flags]
Flags: -h, --help help for move -p, --path string The path to the json pointer in the file as per -v, --value string The desired value
Global Flags: --push Whether to push the repo to github
Adds a file, or a path in a file, in the given repositories :
- Adds the given file in all the given repositories. It adds only if the file is not already present.
- Adds within a file if the path flag is provided.
The value provided should conform to the intended type. For example,
- to add a number would be --value=304
- to add string would be --value="my-string" (escape the quote in bash)
- to add an array would be --value="[1, 2]"
Instead of providing a value you can also provide a file path of a file that has the desired value.
Adding a File:
sud add foo.json \
--file bar.json \
will add a file foo.json with the contents of the provided bar.json to ~/repos/ans150-front-end-overview.
Adding a Path:
sud add dependencies.json \
--path /productFeatureIds/- \
--values 304,305 \
will add product features 304 and 305 to ~repos/ans150-front-end-overview/dependencies.json:
{ "productFeatureIds": [1, 2] } => { "productFeatureIds": [1, 2, 304, 305] }
Usage: sud add FILE_PATH DIRs... [flags]
Flags: -f, --file string The file with the desired value -h, --help help for add -p, --path string The path to the json pointer in the file as per -v, --value string The desired value -l, --values strings The desired list of values
Global Flags: --push Whether to push the repo to github
Removes a file, or a path in a file, in the given repositories :
Removes the given file in all the given repositories, if the file is present. Removes within a file if the path flag is provided. If value is provided along with the path, then removes only the provided value, if present at the path. (Currently, only removing a number from an array is supported.)
Remove a File:
sud remove dependencies.json \
~/repos/ans150-front-end-overview \
Removes dependencies.json from all of the specified directories.
Removing a Value in a File:
sud remove dependencies.json \
--path /productFeatureIds \
--value 304 \
~/repos/ans150-front-end-overview \
will remove product feature 304 from dependencies.json in all the specified directories:
{ "productFeatureIds": [1, 2, 304] } => { "productFeatureIds": [1 ,2] }
Removing fields from entities:
sud remove default/km/entity/*.json \
--path /content/facebookParentPageId \
will remove the given field from all the entities in the matched directories.
Usage: sud remove FILE_PATH DIRs... [flags]
Flags: -f, --file string The file with the desired value -h, --help help for remove -p, --path string The path to the json pointer in the file as per -v, --value string The desired value -l, --values strings The desired list of values
Global Flags: --push Whether to push the repo to github
Replaces a file, or a path in a file, in the given repositories :
- Replaces the given file in all the given repositories. It does nothing if the file is not present.
- Replaces within a file if the path flag is provided.
The value provided should conform to the intended type. For example,
- to replace a number would be --value=304
- to replace string would be --value="my-string" (escape the quote in bash)
- to replace an array would be --value="[1, 2]"
Instead of providing a value you can also provide a file path of a file that has the desired value.
Replacing a File:
sud replace pages/page-builder/template/page.json \
--file new-page.json \
will replace pages/page-builder/template/page.json with the contents of new-page.json in all ~/repos/pgs* directories.
Replacing a Path:
sud replace km/*/hotel.json \
--path "/\$id" \
--value "\"my_hotel\"" \
will replace the value at path /$id with "my_hotel" in ~/repos/kg122-intro-to-fields/km/entity-type-extension/hotel.json
sud replace km/*/hotel.json \
--path /enabled \
--value true \
will replace the value at path /enabled with true in ~/repos/kg122-intro-to-fields/km/entity-type-extension/hotel.json
Usage: sud replace FILE_PATH DIRs... [flags]
Flags: -f, --file string The file with the desired value -h, --help help for replace -p, --path string The path to the json pointer in the file as per -v, --value string The desired value
Global Flags: --push Whether to push the repo to github