isula-build is a tool provided by the iSula team for building container images. It can quickly build a container image based on a given Dockerfile
The tool adopts the server + client mode. The binary file isula-build
is the client that provides a CLI for building and managing images, while isula-builder
is the server that runs as a daemon in the background, responding all the requests from client.
You can use the CLI to
- Build an image from a Dockerfile (build).
- List all images in local store (image).
- Import container base images (import).
- Load layered images (load).
- Remove local persistent images (rm).
- Export layered images (save).
- Tag local persistent images (tag).
- Pull images from a remote repository (pull).
- Push images to a remote repository (push).
- View operating environment and system information (info).
- Log in to a remote image repository (login).
- Log out of a remote image repository (logout).
- Query isula-build version (version).
In addition, the following capabilities are also provided:
- Dockerfile compatible syntax.
- Support for extended file attributes, such as linux security, IMA, EVM, user, and trusted.
- Support for export of different image formats, for example, docker-archive, iSulad.
For compiling from source on openEuler, these packages are required on your OS:
- make
- golang (version 1.15 or later)
- btrfs-progs-devel
- device-mapper-devel
- glib2-devel
- gpgme-devel
- libassuan-devel
- libseccomp-devel
- git
- bzip2
- systemd-devel
You can install them on openEuler with yum
sudo yum install make btrfs-progs-devel device-mapper-devel glib2-devel gpgme-devel libassuan-devel libseccomp-devel git bzip2 go-md2man systemd-devel golang
Get the source code with git
git clone
Enter the source code directory and begin compiling:
cd isula-build
sudo make
After compiling success, you can install the binaries and default configuration files simply with:
sudo make install
is now released with update pack of openEuler 20.03 LTS, you can install it using yum or rpm. Before you install, please enable "update" in the repo file.
sudo yum install -y isula-build
NOTE: Please make sure the "update" part of your yum configuration is enabled. You can download the source of yum from openEuler repo list and install it.
You can download the RPM package of isula-build and intall it.
sudo rpm -ivh isula-build-*.rpm
To manage isula-build
by systemd, please refer to following steps:
sudo install -p -m 640 ./isula-build.service /etc/systemd/system/isula-build.service
sudo systemctl enable isula-build
sudo systemctl start isula-build
You can also run the isula-builder binary file on the server to start the service.
sudo isula-builder --dataroot="/var/lib/isula-build"
For building container images, runc
is required.
You can get runc
by installing docker
or docker-runc
on your openEuler distro:
sudo yum install docker
sudo yum install docker-runc
Here is an example for building a container image, for more details please refer to Usage Guidelines.
Create a simple buildDir and write the Dockerfile
FROM alpine:latest
LABEL foo=bar
COPY ./* /home/dir1/
Build the image in the buildDir.
$ sudo isula-build ctr-img build -f Dockerfile .
STEP 1: FROM alpine:latest
STEP 2: LABEL foo=bar
STEP 3: COPY ./* /home/dir1/
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:e9235582825a2691b1c91a96580e358c99acfd48082cbf1b92fd2ba4a791efc3
Copying blob sha256:dc3bca97af8b81508c343b13a08493c7809b474dc25986fcbae90c6722201be3
Copying config sha256:9ec92a8819f9da1b06ea9ff83307ff859af2959b70bfab101f6a325b1a211549
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
Build success with image id: 9ec92a8819f9da1b06ea9ff83307ff859af2959b70bfab101f6a325b1a211549
$ sudo isula-build ctr-img images
----------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------
------------------ ---------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------
<none> latest 9ec92a8819f9 2020-06-11 07:45:39.265106109 +0000 UTC
$ sudo isula-build ctr-img rm 9ec92a8819f9
Deleted: sha256:86567f7a01b04c662a9657aac436e8d63ecebb26da4252abb016d177721fa11b
Integration with iSulad
or docker
are listed in integration.
Constraints, limitations, and differences from docker build
are listed in precautions.
We are happy to provide guidance for the new contributors.
Please sign the CLA before contributing.
isula-build is licensed under the Mulan PSL v2.