Our Adop(e)t project is a website for pets adoptions. It has an administration control panel to manage the pets,adoption requests, adoptions and users.
The website was built with TypeScript, Node.js, React, Angular, MongoDB and the other libraries below.
The application motivation is to create an web application that serves both the adopters and the pets owners.
- Backend & Frontend (React & Angular) in TypeScript.
- User Signup & User Login with jsonwebtoken Authentication.
- Asynchronous requests using axios
- Maps using Google Maps API's(Maps JavaScript API & Geocoding API).
- Graphs for monitoring pets, adoption requests and adoptions statistics using ng2-charts
- Generic objects searching, filtering and sorting.
- Manipulating arrays, objects & strings using Lodash
- UI & UX design for the control panel, and the website using Bootstrap, CSS & SCSS.
- Mock quality data for different animals using different APIs.
- Controller, Service & Data Access separation layers.
- Http utility methods and middlewares using Express
- Validation with class-transformer and class-validator
- Real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication using socket.io
- Date and time manipulation using moment.js
- Enter -> npm install
- Enter client/front -> yarn install
- Enter client/dashboard -> npm install
- Enter server -> npm install
- Run -> npm run dev
Course Instructor Menahem Leibovitz
MIT © Yonatan Gross, Diana Isakov, Aviv Miranda, Matan Hassin