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Tested With

This project has been tested with the following tool versions:

  • Python 3.7.9
  • OpenFPGA 1.2.3012
  • Synopsys VCS U-2023.03

OpenFPGA Installation

This repo supports both docker and standalone installations of OpenFPGA. 
To use standalone installations, source  from the OpenFPGA installation path before running the script, 
otherwise, the repo will default to a docker installation.

Running OpenFPGA tasks

OpenFPGA tasks are extensively automated through Python scripts. To utilize these scripts, run the script fpga_flow/, which provides the following options:

cd eFPGA/fpga_flow/
      0: Generates Fabric
      1: Generates SDCs
      2-4: Simulates Design
      5: Generates bitstream

Please refer to FPGA Flow README under the directory ./fpga_flow for detailed information regarding the script.

Directory Hierarchy

├── benchmarks                      # Benchmarks
│   ├── adder_comb.v
│   ├── ...
├──            # Script to use the Docker installation of OpenFPGA
├── docs                            # Documentation
│   └── eFPGA_Documentation.pdf
├── fpga_flow                       # Flow-related configs and scripts
│   ├──                # Clears previous runs
│   ├── config                      # Configuration directory for the OpenFPGA task
│   │   ├── constraints             # OpenFPGA physical constraints
│   │   ├── yosys_dep               # Synthesis scripts and models
│   │   └── ...
│   ├──                #  Script to execute to generate fabric and testbenches
│   ├──                   # Flow README
│   ├── runXXX                      # (Generated) Each run creates a new directory
│   └── scripts                     # Helper classes and methods
│       ├──
│       └── ...
├── misc                            # Simulation settings files for OpenFPGA
│   ├── fixed_sim_openfpga_2clk.xml
│   └── fixed_sim_openfpga.xml
├── pin_constraints                 # Pin constraint files for benchmarks
│   ├── mac_4.pcf
│   └── reg4.pcf
├──                       # Repository README (You are here)
├── yonga_archs                     # FPGA fabric architecture directory 
│   ├── cell_library                # Custom primitives used in the FPGA
│   │   ├── BUF.v
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── Fabric                      # Generated fabric
│   │   ├── fabric_hierarchy.txt
│   │   └── ...
│   └── k4N8f_adder_BRAM_DSP        # Proposed architecture for TRISTAN
│       ├── timing.yml              # Describes the delays of hardware primitives, used to model the FPGA's performance
│       ├── tristan_openfpga.xml    # Describes the primitives and low-level connections for the FPGA
│       └── tristan_vpr.xml         # Describes the FPGA architecture
└── yonga_openfpga_shell_scripts    # OpenFPGA shell scripts used for the different tasks of this flow
    ├── full_tb_with_bitstream.openfpga
    └── ...

Requirements Status

Requirement ID Requirement Description Priority Category Current Status
WI3.4.5-1 eFPGA IP shall have single clock domain. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-1.1 All modes shall use the same clock. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-2 eFPGA IP shall have single reset domain. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-2.1 All synchronous logic elements shall have active-low reset. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-2.2 All synchronous logic elements shall have synchronous reset. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-3 eFPGA IP shall have single power domain. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-4 eFPGA IP shall have a tile-based architecture. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-5 Logic tiles shall have LUTs, registers, and connection blocks. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-5.1 eFPGA IP shall have 10000 logic tiles. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-5.2 Each logic tile shall include 8 logic blocks. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-5.3 Each logic block shall include a 4-input LUT. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-5.4 Each logic block shall include two FFs. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-5.5 Each logic block shall have multiple operating modes. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-6 I/O tiles shall support bidirectional operation. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-6-1 I/O tiles shall have multiple operating modes. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-6-2 I/O tiles shall be used to interface with system bus. Mandatory Functional X
WI3.4.5-6-3 I/O tiles shall be used to interface with external IOs. Mandatory Functional X
WI3.4.5-6-4 I/O tiles shall be used to interface with control IOs. Mandatory Functional X
WI3.4.5-6-5 Number of I/Os to interface with the system bus shall be 100. Mandatory Functional X
WI3.4.5-6-6 Number of external I/Os shall be 8. Mandatory Functional X
WI3.4.5-6-7 I/O tiles shall be placed at the boundary of IP. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-7 eFPGA IP shall have a system bus interface. Mandatory Functional X
WI3.4.5-7-1 Bus interface shall be AMBA AXI4-Lite compliant. Mandatory Interoperability X
WI3.4.5-7-2 Address width of read and write channels shall be 8. Mandatory Interoperability X
WI3.4.5-7-3 Data width of read and write channels shall be 32. Mandatory Interoperability X
WI3.4.5-8 Memory tiles shall have memory blocks. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-8-1 Memory blocks shall have different operating modes. Mandatory Functional X
WI3.4.5-8-2 Size of total memory blocks shall be at least 180 Kbits. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-8-3 Memory blocks shall have single-port SRAM macros. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-8-4 Memory blocks shall support write-first policy. Mandatory Functional X
WI3.4.5-8-5 Memory blocks shall support synchronous read. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-9 DSP tiles shall include MAC blocks. Optional Functional
WI3.4.5-9-1 MAC blocks shall have two 18-bit inputs and output 36-bit output. Optional Functional
WI3.4.5-9-2 Number of total DSP tiles shall be 8. Optional Functional
WI3.4.5-10 eFPGA IP shall have a configuration logic to program the FPGA fabric. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-10-1 Each tile shall have configuration circuitry to define the interconnection and wiring in tile components. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-10-2 Switch blocks shall provide the interconnect between the tiles. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-10-3 All configurable elements shall implement a configuration chain in the FPGA fabric. Mandatory Functional
WI3.4.5-10-4 eFPGA IP shall have a JTAG configuration interface. Best Effort Interoperability X
WI3.4.5-11 eFPGA IP shall have a test mode. Best Effort Functional X
WI3.4.5-11-1 All FFs in located in the logic tiles shall be controllable and observable via a scan chain. Best Effort Functional X
WI3.4.5-11-2 Each SRAM macro shall have BIST circuitry. Best Effort Functional X
WI3.4.5-12 eFPGA IP shall have a synthesizable RTL design. Mandatory Other
WI3.4.5-12-1 RTL design shall be SystemVerilog-2005 compliant. Mandatory Interoperability
WI3.4.5-12-2 RTL design shall not contain any primitives that belong to a 3rd party except the functional model of SRAM macros. Mandatory Other
WI3.4.5-13 eFPGA IP shall be verified by functional simulation. Mandatory Other X
WI3.4.5-13-1 Code coverage shall be at least 90%. Mandatory Other X
WI3.4.5-13-2 Functional coverage shall be 100%. Mandatory Other X
WI3.4.5-14 Achievable maximum clock frequency shall be at least 50MHz in TSMC 65nm technology. Mandatory Performance X
WI3.4.5-15 eFPGA IP shall be supported by a software stack. Mandatory Functional X
WI3.4.5-15-1 Software driver/hardware abstraction layer shall provide low-level routines for the CPU to access to the eFPGA IP. Mandatory Functional X
WI3.4.5-15-2 User-level functions shall provide access to the eFPGA IP for the applications running on the CPU core. Mandatory Functional X


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