This project contains the script to add new compiler versions in Travis file and update Conan conventions
To install by pip is just one step
If you want to install by local copy
pip install .
Or if you want to download our pip package
pip install bincrafters_conventions
To update ALL Conan projects on Github
$ bincrafters_conventions --remote=bincrafters
To update ONLY one project on Github
$ bincrafters_conventions --remote=bincrafters/conan-double-conversion
To AVOID to execute push command after to update
$ bincrafters_conventions --remote=bincrafters/conan-libusb --dry-run
To filter PROJECTS by pattern
$ bincrafters_conventions --remote=bincrafters --project-pattern bincrafters/conan-*
To filter BRANCHES by pattern
$ bincrafters_conventions --remote=bincrafters --branch-pattern stable/*
$ bincrafters_conventions --remote=bincrafters/conan-libzip --branch-pattern stable/*
To update and check LOCAL everything
$ bincrafters_conventions
To check LOCAL everything
$ bincrafters_conventions --check
To update a LOCAL file
$ bincrafters_conventions --travisfile=.travis.yml
To apply Conan conventions in a local file:
$ bincrafters_conventions
To update appveyor file:
$ bincrafters_conventions --appveryorfile=appveyor.yml
To install extra packages required to test
pip install .[test]
To run all unit test + code coverage, just execute:
pip install -r bincrafters_conventions/requirements_test.txt
cd tests
pytest -v --cov=bincrafters_conventions
To develop or run conan clang update
pip install -r bincrafters_conventions/requirements.txt
There are two ways to upload this project.
After to create a new tag, the package will be uploaded automatically to Pypi.
Both username and password (encrypted) are in travis file.
To upload this package on pypi (legacy mode):
pip install twine
python sdist
twine upload dist/*