Line Bot ID: @368ivokx
- Enter any message to initialize the Line bor
- Follow the Instruction on Line Bot
- Get API Key in Openai API
Check if all requirements have been completed with check data
After all requirements have been completed, you can fine-tune the model. The chatbot will check required data in advance to avoid error in fine-tuning.
If you passed the checking process, the model will start fine-tuning and return the status every minute. The process usually takes 5-10 minutes with 10 coversation data and the time will increase with the amount of conversation data.
You can see the fine tuning process in Openai platform as well.
You can chat with the existing model or your own model (required data: API Key and Instruction)
git clone
- Register on the Line Developer website
- Go to "Providers" and click "Create" to create a new provider
- Create a new channel for Line bot
- Find "Bot basic ID" in "Messageing API" Page, and add your Line bot to contact by this ID
- Go to Line Official Account Manage Page
- Disable automatic response messages to avoid original auto messages
- create an empty .env file in your folder
- Back to Line Developer website
- Go to "Basic Setting" in your Line bot, and you will see "channel secret"
- Put your channel secret in .env file, the variable nane: LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET
- Go to "Messaging API" to get "Channel Access Token"
- Put your channel access token in .env file, the variable nane: LINE_ACCESS_TOKEN
- Register on the ngrok
- Go to "Setup & Installation" and follow the instruction to download ngrok to local
- After this step, you can get a public URL by running
ngrok http
in your terminal - Update the "Webhook URL" in "Messaging API" from Line Developer website, remember to add /callback at the end of the URL
- You should update the URL everytime you run ngrok
- Access to the line bot folder
cd bot
- Run the Line bot in terminal
- Now, open Line and Update your data with Line bot