(Inspired by EZAlertController (https://github.com/thellimist/EZAlertController))
Nice and easy UIAlertController extensions
- One line setup for alert controllers
- Chainable alert controller setup
- Chainable alert actions
Just drop the SwiftAlertController.swift file into your project
// Simple alert view with an `OK` buton
// Simple alert view with a additional message
UIAlertController.alert("Title", message: "Message")
// Simple alert view with a customized action on button click
UIAlertController.alert("Title") { _ in
print("Button clicked")
// Fully configurable alert view
UIAlertController.alert("Title", message: "Message", acceptMessage: "Done") { _ in
print("Done clicked")
// Create a Alert with multiple buttons
.action(title: "Ok") // Simple action
.action(title: "Do something") { _ in // Action with handler
print("done something")
.action(title: "Destruct something", style: .destructive) { _ in // Action with handler and other style
print("all wrecked")
.cancelable() { _ in // A Cancel button
// Or use a old school array for it
UIAlertController.alert("Title", message: "Message", actions: alertAction)
// Or a closure
UIAlertController.alert("Title", message: "Message") {
UIAlertAction(title: "Action1")
.appending(title: "Action2")
.appending(title: "Action3")
// Initalize a simple ActionSheet
// Initialize an ActionSheet with additional message
UIAlertController.sheet("Title", message: "Message")
// Initialize a action sheet with chaining
.action(title: "Ok")
.action(title: "Do something") { _ in
print("done something")
.action(title: "Destruct something", style: .destructive) { _ in
print("all wrecked")
.cancelable() { _ in
// Or use an UIAlertAction array (see how you can just drop the message)
UIAlertController.sheet("Title", actions: alertActions)
// Or use a closure for the initialization
UIAlertController.sheet("Title", message: "Message") {
UIAlertAction(title: "Action1")
.appending(title: "Action2")
.appending(title: "Action3")
(now chainable)
// Append actions
let alertActions = UIAlertAction(title: "Action1") { _ in
print("Action1 clicked")
.appending(title: "Action2") { _ in
print("Action2 clicked")
.appending(title: "Action3") { _ in
print("Action3 clicked")
// Initialize an UIAlertAction without the style
UIAlertAction(title: "Title") { _ in