Custom Dockware setup with helpful scripts to make running dockware a bit easier
Clone the project to your desired location:
git clone
Run the following commands to setup and assign executable permissions to the helper scripts:
cd dockware
chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
To download the current version of Shopware to your host
To enter the container:
Q. What are the default Shopware Admin credentials?
A. User: admin
/ Password: shopware
Q. What are the default dockware MySQL credentials?
A. User: root
/ Password: root
/ Port: 3306
Q. What are the default dockware SSH/SFTP credentials?
A. User: dockware
/ Password: dockware
/ Port: 22
Q. What if I restart my container, or what if I switch branches in my project?
A. Clean your container and upload everything again. There is a handy script that does it for you:
Q. I am having issues running the script on Windows
A. If your terminal says that you don't have an tty
or interactive terminal, you might want to prefix winpty
inside the script which should work for you
For e.g winpty docker exec -it shopware bash
You can find more information on the official dockware website.
For problems specific to windows go to windows problems