RAMA is a Spotify Application for visualizing and interacting with networks of music artists. For the original RAMA web application see rama.inescporto.pt
Here are some previews of what this app does:
For now, I do not intend to make this application available on the Spotify App Store, so to run it you need to set it up first.
To open a downloaded app you need to Activate Spotify Developer account here: https://devaccount.spotify.com/my-account (no premium account needed).
I've tested the app in mac, windows and linux. Please report any issues you encounter please.
Execute the installer script.
$ curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/carsy/rama-spotify/master/install.sh | bash
You should now be in the app and seeing a graph thingy. If not, restart Spotify and then open the app by typing spotify:app:rama in the search bar.
These are the contents of the script:
$ mkdir ~/Spotify ; cd ~/Spotify
$ rm -rf rama
$ rm rama_v1.0.1.tar.gz
$ curl -L -O https://github.com/carsy/rama-spotify/releases/download/v1.0.1/rama_v1.0.1.tar.gz
$ tar -xvf rama_v1.0.1.tar.gz
You should now be in the app and seeing a graph thingy.
If not, restart Spotify (open the app by typing spotify:app:rama in the search bar).
Alternatively, If you happen to have commandlinephobia (I get that every other month... might be a thing):
- download the latest version of the app from here
- extract the folder
- create the Spotify folder if it doesn't exist already: "~/Spotify" (Mac OS X) or "My Documents\Spotify" (Windows).
- copy the extracted folder to the Spotify folder.
Now open Spotify and type in the search bar:
You should now be in the app and seeing a graph thingy.
If not, restart Spotify and then open the app by typing spotify:app:rama in the search bar.
Thank you for testing!
v1.0.1 - "Equalizer" bar hidden
- bugfixes: #61 and #48
- added checkbox for hidding/showing the "equalizer" bar - it causes Spotify to crash.
v1.0 - 1.0
- feedback button added
- echonest "powered by" logo added
- bugfix #47
v0.11 - Drop and draw
- Spotify items can now be dropped into the application to update the graph (closes #38)
- tags can now be selected (closes #40)
- bug fix on graph creation: some nodes where not being added.
v0.10.6 - GraphController bug fixes
- handling metadata errors
v0.10.5 - GraphController bug fixes
- when data is updated, the graph does not re-render
v0.10.2 - Tags menu bug fixes
- nodes inserted by expanding node were not being highlighted by tags
v0.10 - Tags menu
- Tags menu added
- Clicking on tags highlights the artists that have that tag
- Tags are retrieved from echonest (as well as for the artist menu)
v0.9.1 - Expand button bugfix
- expand button shown after expand.
v0.9 - Exploring the graph
- Expand control button added.
v0.8 - UX update
- Look and feel of nodes and buttons updated
- [bugfix] on double click node does not refresh graph
- new map button added to artist menu
v0.6 - Artist menu
- Artist menu added
- Click on an artist node to view its info on the menu
v0.5 - Artist track list
- Track list of current playing artist added.
- App name changed to only "rama"
v0.3 - Equalizer graph
- Equalizer added using spotify's buffer analyzer api
v0.2 - UI redesign
- UI updated to darker theme
- settings are kept when playing artist changes
v0.1.3 - Play tracks from artist node
- look and feel of the nodes updated
- on double click a node in the graph, top tracks of the artist are played
v0.1.2 - Settings Menu added
- settings menu added: depth, branching and treemode settings available
- title attributes on the options' labels give information as to what do the options do.
v0.1.1 - Graph creation updated
- graph depth and branchin factor now dynamic
- nodes are now black
- root node is highlighted from the others
- loading throbber added while graph is being created.
v0.1.0 - First Release
- graph depth 1 displayed on app load.
José Bateira @zebateira