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261 lines (249 loc) · 5.54 KB

UCSC Courses Fetcher build status

This repo contains:

  1. Workers to fetch the newest terms automatically (incrementally) or freshly (initialization). This requires pm2 installed
  2. Helper functions to help with fetching courses data, maps, GE, ratemyprofessors, statistics, etc. You can use this repo as a module directly in other projects

You will need to have a S3 account somewhere: (config.json)

    "s3": {
        "endpoint": "AWS or on-premise endpoints",
        "key": "",
        "secret": "",
        "bucket": ""

The build indicator signifies the validaity of the DOM parser. All data are fetched from, which outputs some data in a Base64 encoded string of PHP's serialized array, or DOM. The job of the script is to either A) parse the base64 data, or B) interpret the DOM directly with cheerio, or from UCSC websites, or from If the build fails, that means's page structure is probably changed, or other sources. Please notify me or your can submit a pull request to fix it.

Data Structure

List of Terms (db/terms.json):

    "code": "2168",
    "name": "2016 Fall Quarter"
    "code": "2164",
    "name": "2016 Summer Quarter"

List of courses (db/terms/2168.json):

	"AMS": [
		"c": "5", // class code
		"s": "01", // class section
		"n": "Statistics", // class name
		"num": "21304", // class number
		"loct": [
                "t": {
        			"day": [
        			"time": {
        				"start": "09:50",
        				"end": "11:25"
                "loc": "J Bask Aud 101"
		"cap": "200", // capacity
		"ins": { // instructor object
			"d": [
				"Mendes,B.S." // display name(s)
			"f": "Bruno", // first name
			"l": "Mendes", // last name
			"m": "Silva" // middle name
	"ANTH": [
		"c": "1",
		"s": "01",
		"n": "Intro Biolog Anth",
		"num": "20581",
        "loct": [
                "t": {
        			"day": [
        			"time": {
        				"start": "17:20",
        				"end": "18:55"
        		"loc": "Media Theater M110"
		"cap": "255",
		"ins": {
			"d": [
			"f": "Joseph",
			"l": "Reti",
			"m": null

Course Information (db/courses/2168.json):

	"20503": {
		"ty": "Studio", // type of class
		"cr": "0", // number of credits
		"ge": [], // GE cat
		"re": null, // requirements
		"com": [], // combined sections
		"sec": [] // sections
	"20581": {
		"ty": "Lecture",
		"cr": "5",
		"ge": [
		"re": null,
		"com": [],
		"sec": [{
			"num": "20582", // class number
			"sec": "01A", // class section
            "loct": [
                    "t": { // time object
        				"day": [
        				"time": {
        					"start": "08:00",
        					"end": "09:10"
                    "loc": "Soc Sci 1 317" // location
			"ins": "Staff", // TA
			"cap": "15" // capacity

GE codes and descriptions (./db/ge.json):

	"CC": "Cross-Cultural Analysis",
	"ER": "Ethnicity and race",
	"IM": "Interpreting Arts and Media",
	"MF": "Mathematical and Formal Reasoning",
	"SI": "Scientific Inquiry",
	"SR": "Statistical Reasoning",
	"TA": "Textual Analysis",
	"PE-E": "Environmental Awareness",
	"PE-H": "Human Behavior",
	"PE-T": "Technology and Society",
	"PR-E": "Collaborative Endeavor",
	"PR-C": "Creative Process",
	"PR-S": "Service Learning",
	"C2": "Composition",
	"C1": "Composition",
	"DC": "Disciplinary Communication"

RMP simple scores (./db/rmp/scores/110723.json):

	"overall": "2.5",
	"again": "N/A",
	"difficulty": "2.8",
	"tags": [{
		"tag": "extra credit offered",
		"count": "1"
	}, {
		"tag": "hilarious",
		"count": "1"
	}, {
		"tag": "lecture heavy",
		"count": "1"
	}, {
		"tag": "participation matters",
		"count": "1"
	}, {
		"tag": "clear grading criteria",
		"count": "1"
	}, {
		"tag": "beware of pop quizzes",
		"count": "1"
	"count": "134"

RMP all ratings (db/rmp/ratings/942860.json):

	"attendance": "N/A",
	"clarityColor": "poor",
	"easyColor": "poor",
	"helpColor": "poor",
	"helpCount": 0,
	"id": 12705679,
	"notHelpCount": 0,
	"onlineClass": "",
	"quality": "poor",
	"rClarity": 1,
	"rClass": "CORE80A",
	"rComments": "She is very unorganized and unprofessional. She has good intenstions but should not be a teacher. She has an irritating habbit of talking with her eyes closed and saying um a million times.",
	"rDate": "01/01/2007",
	"rEasy": 1,
	"rEasyString": "1.0",
	"rErrorMsg": null,
	"rHelpful": 2,
	"rInterest": "Sorta interested",
	"rOverall": 1.5,
	"rOverallString": "1.5",
	"rStatus": 3,
	"rTextBookUse": "No",
	"rWouldTakeAgain": "N/A",
	"sId": 1078,
	"takenForCredit": "N/A",
	"teacher": null,
	"teacherGrade": "N/A",
	"teacherRatingTags": [],
	"unUsefulGrouping": "people",
	"usefulGrouping": "people"

RMP simple stats (db/rmp/stats/160090.json)

	"clarity": 2.686905417814509,
	"easy": 3.923976124885216,
	"overall": 2.6671487603305786,
	"quality": {
		"awesome": 131,
		"average": 101,
		"poor": 115,
		"good": 125,
		"awful": 193