This repo contains:
- Workers to fetch the newest terms automatically (incrementally) or freshly (initialization). This requires
installed - Helper functions to help with fetching courses data, maps, GE, ratemyprofessors, statistics, etc. You can use this repo as a module directly in other projects
You will need to have a S3 account somewhere:
"s3": {
"endpoint": "AWS or on-premise endpoints",
"key": "",
"secret": "",
"bucket": ""
The build indicator signifies the validaity of the DOM parser. All data are fetched from, which outputs some data in a Base64 encoded string of PHP's serialized array, or DOM. The job of the script is to either A) parse the base64 data, or B) interpret the DOM directly with cheerio
, or from UCSC websites, or from If the build fails, that means's page structure is probably changed, or other sources. Please notify me or your can submit a pull request to fix it.
List of Terms (db/terms.json
"code": "2168",
"name": "2016 Fall Quarter"
"code": "2164",
"name": "2016 Summer Quarter"
List of courses (db/terms/2168.json
"AMS": [
"c": "5", // class code
"s": "01", // class section
"n": "Statistics", // class name
"num": "21304", // class number
"loct": [
"t": {
"day": [
"time": {
"start": "09:50",
"end": "11:25"
"loc": "J Bask Aud 101"
"cap": "200", // capacity
"ins": { // instructor object
"d": [
"Mendes,B.S." // display name(s)
"f": "Bruno", // first name
"l": "Mendes", // last name
"m": "Silva" // middle name
"ANTH": [
"c": "1",
"s": "01",
"n": "Intro Biolog Anth",
"num": "20581",
"loct": [
"t": {
"day": [
"time": {
"start": "17:20",
"end": "18:55"
"loc": "Media Theater M110"
"cap": "255",
"ins": {
"d": [
"f": "Joseph",
"l": "Reti",
"m": null
Course Information (db/courses/2168.json
"20503": {
"ty": "Studio", // type of class
"cr": "0", // number of credits
"ge": [], // GE cat
"re": null, // requirements
"com": [], // combined sections
"sec": [] // sections
"20581": {
"ty": "Lecture",
"cr": "5",
"ge": [
"re": null,
"com": [],
"sec": [{
"num": "20582", // class number
"sec": "01A", // class section
"loct": [
"t": { // time object
"day": [
"time": {
"start": "08:00",
"end": "09:10"
"loc": "Soc Sci 1 317" // location
"ins": "Staff", // TA
"cap": "15" // capacity
GE codes and descriptions (./db/ge.json
"CC": "Cross-Cultural Analysis",
"ER": "Ethnicity and race",
"IM": "Interpreting Arts and Media",
"MF": "Mathematical and Formal Reasoning",
"SI": "Scientific Inquiry",
"SR": "Statistical Reasoning",
"TA": "Textual Analysis",
"PE-E": "Environmental Awareness",
"PE-H": "Human Behavior",
"PE-T": "Technology and Society",
"PR-E": "Collaborative Endeavor",
"PR-C": "Creative Process",
"PR-S": "Service Learning",
"C2": "Composition",
"C1": "Composition",
"DC": "Disciplinary Communication"
RMP simple scores (./db/rmp/scores/110723.json
"overall": "2.5",
"again": "N/A",
"difficulty": "2.8",
"tags": [{
"tag": "extra credit offered",
"count": "1"
}, {
"tag": "hilarious",
"count": "1"
}, {
"tag": "lecture heavy",
"count": "1"
}, {
"tag": "participation matters",
"count": "1"
}, {
"tag": "clear grading criteria",
"count": "1"
}, {
"tag": "beware of pop quizzes",
"count": "1"
"count": "134"
RMP all ratings (db/rmp/ratings/942860.json
"attendance": "N/A",
"clarityColor": "poor",
"easyColor": "poor",
"helpColor": "poor",
"helpCount": 0,
"id": 12705679,
"notHelpCount": 0,
"onlineClass": "",
"quality": "poor",
"rClarity": 1,
"rClass": "CORE80A",
"rComments": "She is very unorganized and unprofessional. She has good intenstions but should not be a teacher. She has an irritating habbit of talking with her eyes closed and saying um a million times.",
"rDate": "01/01/2007",
"rEasy": 1,
"rEasyString": "1.0",
"rErrorMsg": null,
"rHelpful": 2,
"rInterest": "Sorta interested",
"rOverall": 1.5,
"rOverallString": "1.5",
"rStatus": 3,
"rTextBookUse": "No",
"rWouldTakeAgain": "N/A",
"sId": 1078,
"takenForCredit": "N/A",
"teacher": null,
"teacherGrade": "N/A",
"teacherRatingTags": [],
"unUsefulGrouping": "people",
"usefulGrouping": "people"
RMP simple stats (db/rmp/stats/160090.json
"clarity": 2.686905417814509,
"easy": 3.923976124885216,
"overall": 2.6671487603305786,
"quality": {
"awesome": 131,
"average": 101,
"poor": 115,
"good": 125,
"awful": 193