Releases: Amsterdam/signals
Releases · Amsterdam/signals
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2.35.0...2.36.0-beta.0
Potentially breaking changes
- ❗❗❗ Upgraded to Django 4.2 LTS, any forks might need to be updated to reflect the changes in Django ❗❗❗
- ❗❗❗ Django dropped support for PostgreSQL < 12, this might mean that a change to the infrastructure is required ❗❗❗
What's Changed
- Upgrading Django from 3.2.x to 4.2.x by @vanbuiten in #1337
- Update dependencies by @4c0n in #1446
Full Changelog: 2.34.6...2.35.0
What's Changed
- Upgrading Django from 3.2.x to 4.2.x by @vanbuiten in #1337
- Update dependencies by @4c0n in #1446
Full Changelog: 2.34.6...2.35.0-beta.1
Potentially breaking changes
- ❗❗❗ Upgraded to Django 4.2 LTS, any forks might need to be updated to reflect the changes in Django ❗❗❗
- ❗❗❗ Django dropped support for PostgreSQL < 12, this might mean that a change to the infrastructure is required ❗❗❗
What's Changed
- Upgrading Django from 3.2.x to 4.2.x by @vanbuiten in #1337
Full Changelog: 2.34.6...2.35.0-beta.0
What's Changed
- Discontinuing stewardship by Foundation for Public Code by @ericherman in #1440
- Added/updated help text on the StandardAnswer model by @vanbuiten in #1441
- Bump jwcrypto from 1.5.4 to 1.5.6 in /app/requirements by @dependabot in #1442
- Update dependencies by @4c0n in #1443
- Updated help text on the StandardAnswer model by @vanbuiten in #1444
Full Changelog: 2.34.5...2.34.6
What's Changed
- Discontinuing stewardship by Foundation for Public Code by @ericherman in #1440
- Added/updated help text on the StandardAnswer model by @vanbuiten in #1441
Full Changelog: 2.34.5...2.34.6-beta.1
What's Changed
- Bump cryptography from 42.0.2 to 42.0.4 in /app/requirements by @dependabot in #1437
- Update requirements by @vanbuiten in #1438
- Added ordering on the areas public and private endpoint by @vanbuiten in #1439
Full Changelog: 2.34.4...2.34.5
What's Changed
- Added ordering on the areas public and private endpoint by @vanbuiten in #1439
Full Changelog: 2.34.5-beta.1...2.34.5-beta.2
What's Changed
- Bump cryptography from 42.0.2 to 42.0.4 in /app/requirements by @dependabot in #1437
- Update requirements by @vanbuiten in #1438
Full Changelog: 2.34.4...2.34.5-beta.1
What's Changed
- Exempt the health-check from the maintenance mode by @vanbuiten in #1436
Full Changelog: 2.34.3...2.34.4