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Orthodox Liturgics

Layout Strategy

The music should be separated into its own pure .ly file with no layout. If desired, that music can be arranged for engraving into a standalone score for sharing the music directly. The music can then be incorporated directly into a lualatex book.

Examples of this are shown where is used by both: and

Anything in the root directory ending in .tex is assumed to be compiled and published

Recursively anything in any subdirectories ending in is assumed to be compiled and published as well as a standalone sheet score.

Instructions for setting up Development Environment

Using Visual Studio Code (All Operating Systems)

Visual Studio Code and docker are technically all you need to work in this repository.

  1. Clone this repository down using git
  2. Install VSCode for your operating system
  3. Install the Remote-containers extension into VSCode
  4. Install docker for your operating system to host the development container.
    • (You may have to re-start after following those steps.)
    • NOTE: Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise editions, not Home
  5. Open the cloned folder from VSCode (checked out to the correct branch). you will be prompted if you want to open using remote containers, say yes. It will take a while to clone and setup the container the first time.
  6. If you need to rebuild the container in VSCode, press <Ctrl><Shift><P> and start typing in Remote-Containers to see options. Re-build and Reopen in Container will purge the existing development environment and rebuild everything if you run into problems, (especially when switching branches if the development environment was changed).
  7. Open the DemoBook.tex file in the root of the repo and press <Ctrl><s> to save the document, and automatically trigger the build system. You should see a compilation begin, and produce a DemoBook.pdf. This can be opened and previewed in the Visual Studio editor.
  8. Explore:
    • Press <Ctrl><Shift><P> and type LaTex to filter to the latex workshop commands (like Clean up all auxillary files and Build LaTeX Project)

Instructions for Creating PDFs on cmd line (Natively/Manual instructions)

Compiling Music/Score Alone

The simplest way to develop music, is to open and edit it directly with the WYSIWYG-ish frescobaldi editor for lilypond. Just do all of the development with that tool, and then, once the music and score look right, it can be embedded into a lualatex book

Compiling a book


Recommend use of the TeXLive distribution of LaTeX for all operating systems.

Any of the books can be compiled with LaTeX installed using the lualatex compiler, as long as the lyluatex extension has been installed and made available to the compiler.

For example, the DemoBook can be compiled by running lualatex -shell-escape DemoBook.tex

However, for command-line use, Use the latexmk command-line tool supplied by TeXLive. This will compile the document the correct number of times to be sure that the references (index and hyperref references in PDF for page numbers etc) get sorted out properly.

For example, to compile vespers (after installing TeXLive and lualatex) run: latexmk -shell-escape -pdf 1-GreatVespers.tex.


Orthodox LaTeX and lilypond service texts and music







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